Nothing But Norman #117

Happy Saturday All!

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Norman got to spend another year in Saskatchewan Snow Goose Hunting. He came along in his shotgun shell that was used on his last hunt. I think he enjoyed his visit. Being near me always makes me enjoy the adventures.

When I got back from Saskatchewan I went to the  American Chesapeake Club National Show Speciality where I was surprised at what I saw when I went and visited the Chesapeake Retriever Rescue Of Wisconsin CRROW. The gals at CRROW have asked to use my pictures on their item they sell on their on line store (which you can go to via the link on my side bar), of course I said yes who wouldn’t want to see their dogs out and about? So you can imagine the excitement when I saw this…..

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They made their poster with my pictures!!!! I nearly started to cry as that poster is amazing and I hope it brings in many peeps to donate money to their rescue group.

I got to see Patti from CRROW on Friday and she gave me this little gift.


It’s a little Norman angel. It’s the sweetest thing ever. I have the most thoughtful friends ever.

image imageI also got to see Pam who works with CRROW and Radar Blind Chesapeake who lives with Pam and is a rescue CRROW saved and is now living a great life. These girl are amazing with what the doctor the Chessie rescue and the animals just love them. Thank you Sue, Patti, Pam and all the others who make this rescientists a success.


We are joining Ruckus The Eskie and Earl’s World for Sepia Saturday.


Hosted by: Rascal and RoccoBasil the Bionic CatBarking From The Bayou and Love Is Being Owned By A Husky.  

8 Replies to “Nothing But Norman #117”

  1. Jan K

    I’m with Easy….this brought tears to my eyes as well. It just has to be so wonderful to have Norman still with you in so many ways.

  2. Hawk aka BrownDog

    Hi Y’all!

    Hope y’all are havin’ a great weekend. I’m home again and tryin’ to catch up with everyone.

    Love the Norman Angel.

    My Human thinks blind dogs or deaf dogs are really special. She’s had both.

    Y’all come on by,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

  3. M. K. Clinton

    I hope that you were able to take the poster home. It would look amazing framed! You know your dogs are incredible when they are used to represent their breed! Congratulations. I’m glad Norman went with you again. ♥