Happy Saturday All!
Last week I got a really neat package in the mail. My friend Paulette from Cape Cod send me a little memorial for Nellie who passed away on March 16, 2017. She sent me a antique stain glass duck and an Mr and Mrs Quack plate. This is what Paulette says about the items:Â The plate is made on Cape Cod and is a Pairpoint Cup Plate from the 70’s. People here collect them and put them in their windows. I have a Mr and Mrs Quack plate as well. Hugs
What a very thoughtful gift, I just love them and am displaying them on Norman and Nellie’s memorial. I can see them everything I sit in my chair in the living room.
I got another memorial piece for the display as well from Aunt Kimmi’s Pretty Little Things. I got a memorial candle with Nellie’s name on it so now it can shine bright along side of Norman’s candle. They are together again.
I thank Thee, Oh Lord, for the rivers, woods, and fields wherein lie the game birds I love to hunt. I thank Thee also for the men and women who protect and preserve wild life in all its forms so that future generations will have the healthful pleasures of hunting and fishing. My master means more than life or death to me and I pray for intelligence, ability, and strength to understand and execute his or hers commands and desires. May our companionship lead to complete understanding so that our moments will be the happiest of all. Help my master to comprehend that I will gladly give my life for them, be they millionaire or pauper. Their love and confidence is all I ask. I beseech you to guide him or her and protect them from thoughts, deeds, or actions which will disturb the faith of others in them. I want my master to be respected by their friends as I look up to them. The wag of my tail indicated the feelings of my heart and no blows, privation, or hunger will ever keep me from being happy when I hear my master’s voice or footsteps. When the curtains of death are about to close my active life, I pray Thee, Oh, God, that my master be near, their hand caressing my head as my eyelids close.
Most people don’t know it was penned by a chessie person, Mr. William Hoard of Ft. Atkinson, of Deerwood Trigger fame in the 40’s.
Have a great Saturday, hug your furry’s.
What lovely and thoughtful gifts.
What a lovely gesture from your friend. They’ll look great on your memorial shelf.
That is such a beautiful gesture and a lovely way to honor Nellie.
What beautiful and thoughtful gifts! It has to be so comforting to know that others are remembering Nellie as well. ♥
Glad you like the mementos.
That picture was a few days before Scout left us on her journey to Heaven
Hugs and doG Bless
what a sweet gift … and I love the quote so much… oh if it would come true… our world would be a place without tears…