Nothing But Norman #52

Happy Saturday Everyone!

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When Norman wasn’t training this was his favorite place to be, on the back of the golf cart getting a ride. He loved any golf cart or ATV if there was one around he would jump up on it. One time we were at a ATV party and we had Norman with. We got him out and he was running around and a friend of ours came driving up and stopped by us and he surprised the crap out of her when he bounced right up behind her and sat there waiting for his ride.

He also loved to jump off the pier, one of his favorite summer activities when he wasn’t out training.

We are joining Ruckus The Eskie for Sepia Saturday.


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We are also joining the nice folks over at The Pet Parade, hop on over and check them out.



17 Replies to “Nothing But Norman #52”

  1. Hawk aka BrownDog

    Hi Y’all!

    I understand the golf cart!!! Yeh!!! I prefer when I can ride in the passenger seat. I LOVE to bark for the entire ride just like I’ve seen the Budweiser dog do. Okay, so what if he had a team of horses pulling him!

    Amazing in flight photos of Norman!

    Y’all come by now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

  2. Jan K

    Oh, that’s too funny….Norman was a smart one wasn’t he? I love the flying photos, those are so great, he had some nice form there!

  3. Dogs N Pawz

    Those pictures of Norman jumping off the pier are awesome! He was one gorgeous guy!

  4. M. K. Clinton

    Those are great shots of Norman flying! My husband asked me yesterday if I saw your post. I told that I’d not stopped by yet. He said “Norman is flying!” Haha! He is a big fan too! ♥♥

  5. Pingback: Nothing But Norman #54 | Sand Spring Chesapeakes