Nothing But Norman #70

Happy Saturday Everyone!


This is a pre scheduled post as Wednesday night I headed up north to go bobcat hunting. I didn’t know when I would be back or when I would have time to do this post so I am doing it early. The last time I got a bobcat tag was way long ago, like 8 years ago. It has taken me that long to draw a tag. The DNR isn’t issuing the amount of tags that they used to. Over 8 years ago I went up north and hunted bear with the same guy I am bobcat hunting with. I was going up there alone as it was during the week and John had to work. To feel safe on my 5 hour drive and stay up there I took my buddy Norman with me. He was a great shotgun rider and made me feel safe. Thank you Norman for always making me feel safe.

Who wouldn’t feel safe sitting next to this big bear?

8 Replies to “Nothing But Norman #70”

  1. Oz the Terrier

    Ma says she would feel safe with good ole Norman by her side! You were so lucky to have such a brave companion and loving friend.
    Happy Saturday (hope it was a great hunt)

  2. M. K. Clinton

    I’m sure he will be with you this time too. Just helping protect you from above. Seriously, you are bobcat hunting?!? Geez, you impress me to no end! I would be terrified. Stay safe!