On December 23rd Slammer received his Therapy Dog title. He does pet therapy with Alliance of Therapy dog. He has done 50 visits earning him the title.

On September 6th Slammer received his Fetch Retriever title. This is the highest of the Fetch series.

On August 9th Slammer received his Fit Dog Bronze title, then on September 26 he received his Fit Dog Silver title and lastly on December 4th he received his Fit Dog Gold title. The highest of the Fit Dog series.

Still on cloud nine! Yesterday JBS and Slammer competed in a AKC Master Hunter test at Fox Valley Retriever Club under judges Andrea and Rick McConico. He passed so pending AKC approval we will receive his Master Hunter Title. This guy has been on a roll recently piling up the titles. They say you breed to better the breed and I believe I have done that with Slammer as he has accomplished more firsts for Sand Spring Chesapeakes than any other one of our dogs. His half brother Gambler started some first’s as their father was only a HRCH/MH, but Slammer has even out did Gambler with being Sand Springs’s first AKC show champion/MH. He also is our first United Master Jumper, Champion Shed Dog, Fetch Advanced, International Show Champion, Rally Excellent, Dock Master. Now to finish his HRCH and his Senior Jumper Champion. Ask Slammer to jump and he says how high! Thanks to my training group, the Wisconsin Teams, my friends and his fan group for all the help and encouragement there is more to come!

7/5/24 – Slammer had three days to accomplish his elite shed dog champion title. He pulled it off on the first day by taking second place giving him the needed points for his title. Thanks to WACKO for the event!

6/25/24 – Friday and today we took a break from running hunt tests and did some dock jumping. Slammer went into the jumps with 3 legs towards his master jumper title. He got one master leg Friday along with 40 points towards his senior championship. Today he got one more leg in masters for his title! He also got 20 more points towards his senior champion and 5 points towards his master championship. It was a great change and @southtownk9 along with @clicksbychris_photos did an awesome job hosting and making everything run smoothly. What a fun weekend hanging with crawfish dieter and Tom!

Slammer – UR03 WSD USJ HR Int-CH U-GRCH CH Sand Spring Throw The Book At Him SH RE DM THDN FDC CGCA CGCU TKA ATT FTA SPOT-ON (UNJ U-CH Sand Spring Guilt By Association SH CGCA CGCU THDN TT SPOT-ON x HRCH Sand Spring Norm Of Caroway MH) received his AKC champion title at the Janesville-Beloit kennel Club under Judge Barbara Burns in Jefferson, WI on May 5th, 2024. Slammer finished his championship with five 3pt majors. This is the first Sand Spring dog to become a AKC Champion. To say I’m over the moon is an understatement. Thanks to Kim for showing with me and all my peeps that helped me out with this new adventure. B/O/T/H by JoAnn and John Stancer, Sand Spring Chesapeakes, Cambria WI.

Slammer – UR03 WSD USJ HR Int-CH U-GRCH Sand Spring Throw The Book At Him SH RE DM THDN FDC CGCA CGCU TKA ATT FTA SPOT-ON (UNJ U-CH Sand Spring Guilt By Association SH CGCA CGCU THDN TT SPOT-ON x HRCH Sand Spring Norm Of Caroway MH) received his Fetch Intermediate on April 11th and Fetch Advanced on April 12th. When competing in advanced the dog has to retrieve a bumper from behind a blind, Slammer’s last retrieve in each trial he jumped over the blind instead of going around then jumped back over with the bumper in his mouth. The crowd applauded his great runs. Thanks to Anne De Roo and Three Hounds Training for this awesome event. B/O/T/H by John and JoAnn Stancer of Sand Spring Chesapeakes, Cambria WI.

Slammer – UR03 WSD USJ HR Int-CH U-GRCH Sand Spring Throw The Book At Him SH RE DM THDN FDC CGCA CGCU TKA ATT FTA SPOT-ON (UNJ U-CH Sand Spring Guilt By Association SH CGCA CGCU THDN TT SPOT-ON x HRCH Sand Spring Norm Of Caroway MH) received his AKC Rally Excellent title on March 15th at Badger Kennel Club under judge Joni Monnich. His first two qualifying passes were done virtually with the third one being in person. B/O/T/H by John and JoAnn Stancer of Sand Spring Chesapeakes, Cambria WI.

So proud of my Gunney!! We finished our UKC CD title today 2/24/24 finishing first place in both trials and taking high in Trial for both trials!!!! OMG!!!! I am so proud of her!! Our scores were 194.5 and 190. Still lots to work on, but it’s a journey. Mary Hanson

Slammer J Stancer should be the first Chessie in WI to earn the new Fetch Novice FTN title. Thanks to Central WI Dog Sports Club – CWKC & SWCCW for hosting an awesome day of events and first Fetch test held in WI since it started Feb 1, 2024. Thank to judges Tom Pawlisch and Paula Kropidlowski for a fun day. 2/17/24

Slammers win photo from Oct. 22, 2023. Mrs. Kathy Lorentzen awarded him his 4th major. A few more points to go after next year. Skokie Valley Kennel Club.

So Slammer (Hollywood), my friend Kim and I did a thing this last weekend. Kim wanted to enter a AKC show but didn’t want to be the only one so she asked me if I would go with her and show. I said “you know I don’t show in AKC” she said “it will be fun, let’s do it”. I had prior plans on Saturday so Slammer spent the night with Kim so she could show him on Saturday. Well I had no expectations at all and was surprised when Kim said congrats on Slammers MAJOR! Thanks to judge Del Richards for finding my boy worthy on his first AKC show. Sunday was my turn to show Slammer and Dr. Eric Liebes found Slammer worthy again for a MAJOR! Woweeee never expected that! So now I must try and finish him which is something I’ve never done in AKC. Thank you Kim for encouraging me to show, for handling Slammer and for the wonderful memories that won’t ever fade (picture to prove it). We will do this again. Thanks to the clubs for hosting and the judges for their time.

Another fun day sniffing for Gunney!! On the Run hosted a CPE trial today. L2 exteriors- Q, 1:17.25; L3 vehicles-Q, 0:41.37 1st place; L3 containers-Q, 1st place 0:38.05 trial 2 containers- Q 0:58.07. So proud of my girl!!! 5/12/23 Mary Hanson

Gunney had another fun day of sniffling. Day 2 of AKC scentwork trials in Cannon Falls. 5runs, 5 Qs. Novice exterior-1st place; advanced containers-2 3rd places; advanced exteriors-4th place. 5 runs-4 placings. 3 days of scentwork trials, 14 Qs with 11 placings!! proud of my pink girl!!! 3/26/23. Mary Hanson

Another great day of sniffing for Gunney!! St Paul Dog Training trial in Cannon Falls,MN. 5 runs, 5Qs, 1st & 2nd in Novice containers; 4th in Novice interiors, 2nd in Novice exteriors. Novice Element titles in containers and interiors. Love my pink girl!!! Mary Hanson

Gunney and I were entered in the Minnesota Mixed Breed CPE scentwork trial today. This girl never stops amazing me!! Level 2 containers Q 0:22:62 seconds-first place; containers Q 0:43:68 seconds-2nd place; non-traditional vehicles Q- 0:23:56 seconds-first place; level 3 interiors Q 3:00 minutes (darn handler kept circling some crates and missed the chair in the corner! So proud of my pink girl!! Mary Hanson

Today Gunney and I ran some CPE scentwork trials at On the Run Canine . Level 2, interiors, 0:47.06 seconds, 4th place, Vehicles, qual with a time of 0:41.01 seconds, Containers trial 1, qual with 0:24.25 seconds, Containers trial 2, 0:23.21 seconds. 4 trials, perfect day!!! Mary Hanson

Slammer received his UKC Grand Show Champion 2/12/23.

Gertie receives her AKC Rally Advanced title 1/6/23.

Proud of my girl Gunney!! Our first AKC scentwork trial: qualified in all 3 searches we entered in. Exteriors, Interiors- 4th place, and containers – 1st place. She loves the game!! Thanks to the Northstar Rottweiler club, the judges and volunteers for a great, fun trial!! Mary Hanson

Proud of my Gunney!! She finished her CPE level 1 title in Scentwork. 4the place in vehicles, 2nd place in containers, 1st place in exteriors, and 2nd place in interiors-level 2!!!! This girl loves to work!! Mary Hanson

On September 11 Slammer and Gertie received their UKC Elite Shed Dog – Working Shed Dog titles.

2 scentwork trials, 2quals and a 3rd place in interiors. Proud of my girl!! Mary Hanson

Gunney’s first scentwork qualifying ribbon. CPE trial – containers L1. Mary Hanson

Gunney with her ribbons 8/27/22 Mary Hanson

Gunney received her AKC Rally Masters title 8/26/22. Mary Hanson

Gertie received her AKC Fast Cat title BCAT 8/21/22.

Slammer receives his AKC Rally Advanced title 7/17/22.

Snoozer got a Senior NADD dock diving title. No PB’s but he had FUN! 6/22 Trish Wilson

Slammer receives his UKC Hunting Retriever Title 6/5/22.

Gertie receives her Therapy Dog title, she had 50 therapy visits 5/24/22.

Gertie received her AKC Rally Intermediate title 10/8/21.

Slammer received an invite to the 1 annual UKC Total Dog Invitational.

UKC United Senior Jumper Champion title 9/12/21.
Saturday: 19’3” – 1st place
18’7” – 1st place
17’9” – 2nd place
19’5” – 1st place
Sunday: 19’3” – 2nd place
18’10” – 1 st place
19’4” – 2nd place
She definitely loves the game!! Thanks to Whispering Echos Farm for putting on another great trial!! Love my pink girl!! Mary Hanson

Slammer – RO3 USJ U-CH Sand Spring Throw The Book At Him SH THDN CGCA CGCU TKA FDC DM ATT SPOT-ON (UNJ U-CH Sand Spring Guilt By Association SH RN CGCA CGCU THDN TT SPOT-ON x HRCH Sand Spring Norm Of Caroway MH) received his UKC United Senior Jumper title on 8/28/21 at Whispering Echos Farm event. Slammer needed 2 more senior jumps for his title in which he accomplished with jumps of 18.4ft giving him first place then 15.5ft giving him a fourth place. He has 3 jumps going towards his master jumpers title which we will work on next year. Slammer is O/T/H and bred by JoAnn & John Stancer of Sand Spring Chesapeakes, Cambria, WI.

Gunney received her UKC United Senior Jumper title 8/28/21

Gunneys UKC Rally Obedience 3 title 8/19/21.

Slammer and Gertie receive their International Show Championships 8/21/21.

Slammer receives his AKC Senior Hunter title 7/31/21.

Slammer and Gertie receive their AKC Rally Novice title 7/23/21.

Gunney received her UKC United Master Jumper title 7/17/21.

Gertie and Slammer received their 2021 UKC Top Ten certificates. Gertie was ranked 3rd and Slammer was ranked 7th in the nation.

July 17, 2021 – Gunney finished her UKC Master dock diving title, pending UKC approval and added 2 more jumps toward a senior dock diving title: jump 1- 20 ft 2 in; jump2- 19 ft 9in; jump3 – 18.0 ft; jump 4- 22 ft 2 in. Proud of my girl! ~Mary

Gertie receives her Therapy Dog Novice title on 7/12/21.

Gertie receives her UKC United Senior Jumper title 6/19/21.

Gertie receives her UKC Novice Precision Coursing title 6/18/21.

June 18th Gertie receives her UKC Conformation Champion title.

June 17th Slammer won Best Of Breed at the UKC Premier during the UKC Top Ten Invitational. He was invited to the Top Ten Invitational because he was the number 1 Chesapeake across the nation for 2020.

Gunney received her UKC Novice Precision Coursing title on 6/15/21. Mary Hanson

May 8-9, 2021- Slammer had a real good weekend this past weekend at the Dodge County Canine Club. He took the champion class three out of the four shows and one reserve. He qualified in rally so that meant he qualified for Total Dog. This was a total dog qualifier so now he should be qualified for the total dog regionals. This gives him now 4 legs out of 5 for his grand champion in conformation.

On May 16, 2021 RO1 Sand Spring Strong Spear JH CGCA CGCU DS FDC ATT SPOT-ON received her AKC Junior Hunter title (pending AKC approval) at Fox Valley Retriever Club spring hunt test. Thanks to the judges and workers. Very nice double Junior tests today.

Gunney received her UKC Rally Obedience 2 title 5/9/21. Mary Hanson

On April 24th, 2021 Gertie earned her AKC Farm Dog Certified title at the ACC WI Chessie Fun Day.

April 10, 2021 – Gunney receives her International Show Champion

Slammer received his UKC 2020 Top Ten recognition. He was the first place Chesapeake for the 2020 year.

On Jan 20th Slammer earned his UKC RO3 title and is in the 32nd ranking for the UKC Rally All Stars.

On 2/20/21 Gertie received her UKC RO1 title.

Slammer earned his AKC Temperament Test (ATT) title on 1/30/21. His new name is: RO2 U-CH Sand Spring Throw The Book At Him JH THDN CGCA CGCU TKA FDC DM ATT SPOT-ON

Gertie earned her AKC Temperament Test (ATT) on 1/30/21. Her new name is: Sand Spring Strong Spear CGCA CGCU TKA DS ATT SPOT-ON

Gertie earned her NADD Dock Senior (DS) title on 1/24/21.
From Mary H – Gunney: My Gunney had a busy year achieving 14 titles and a UKC Total Dog Award…..3 trick dog titles, 3 CGC titles, Farm Dog, novice rally, UKC rally 01, Spot-on, senior dock jumping. UKC CH. Nat’l/Int’l/Honors JR Puppy Ch. Love this girl!

2020 Slammer aka Hollywood’s titles and ribbons. Even know we were and still are in a pandemic caused by Covid Slammer pulled off some titles. In UKC he received his Show Champion, Rally Obedience 1, Rally Obedience 2, one total dog and his SPOT-ON title. In AKC he received his Canine Good Citizen, Community Canine, Canine Good Citizen Urban, Trick Dog Novice, Intermediate, advanced, therapy dog novice, farm dog certified and Dock Master titles. #slammerchesapeake #stancerville #sandspringchesapeakes #akc #ukc #ribbons #titles #chesapeakebayretriever

2020 Gertie’s event ribbons and titles. She passed 3 AKC Junior Hunter tests. Won her conformation class in UKC 4 times and got reserve twice. She received her UKC SPOT-ON title, her AKC Trick Dog novice, intermediate and advanced titles and last but not least she received her AKC canine good citizen, community canine and canine good citizen urban titles, all under a year of age. #gertiechesapeake #stancerville #sandspringchesapeakes #titles #ribbons #chesapeakebayretiever #akc #ukc


RO2 UCH Sand Spring Throw The Book At Him JH CGCA CGCU TKA FDC THDN DM SPOT-ON – received his Rally Obedience 2 title today at the Bark River Dog Club under judge Katharine Weber

Today Gunney completed her AKC Novice Rally title, Pending AKC approval. She is now:
R01 Nat’l/Int’l/Honors Puppy CH Sand Spring Guilty by Design CGCA CGCU TKI TKA FDC SPOT-ON DS RN

Gunney is on a roll!! She earned her Senior Dock Diving title today completing 5 qualifying jumps between 15 and 19 feet. Her best was 18’3”. Thank you to For the Love of Dogs Tank in MENDOTA Heights, MN, and Kristin Elmquist and Steve Powell for a great trial and a fun day!!

Another hunting title for my baby girl! We are finally done for the year! New name is: SHR Sand Spring Dakota Pyrchalla SPOT ON CGCA CGCU JH Owner: Courtney P

Gunney’s ribbons from the weekend at Dodge County Canine Club dog show (UKC). She qualified in 4 Rally 1 trials for her title, getting second place in show 1 on Sunday; 4 Best Female, 2 Best of Winners/Best of Breed, Rally Title and Total Dog. Proud of my pink girl!!! Great part of the weekend was hanging out with chessie friends, Joann Stancer and Tom Pawlisch. Thanks guys!! Had a great time!!

Gunney received her UKC Show Championship.

Slammer received an UKC Total Dog status.

Slammer received his UKC Rally Obedience 1 title.


Dakota received her AKC Junior Hunter Title on 7/25/20 at WAFTC hunt test. She is owned by Courtney and Tyler. Her new name is: Sand Spring Dakota Prychalla JH

Gertie received her AKC Trick Dog Intermediate and Advanced titles in July. She is now: Sand Spring Strong Spear CGCA CGCU TKA SPOT-ON

Gunney was evaluated and passed her AKC CGC, CGCA, CGCU, TKN, TKI, TKA and her UKC SPOT-ON. She is now: Nat’l,Int’l, Honors Puppy CH Sand Spring Guilty by Design CGCA CGCU TKA FDC

Gunney was evaluated and passed her AKC Farm Dog Certified test. She is now: Nat’l,Int’l, Honors Puppy CH Sand Spring Guilty by Design FDC

Slammer was evaluated and passed his AKC CGCA and CGCU tests. He is now: Sand Spring Throw The Book At Him JH THDN CGCA CGCU FDC DM SPOT-ON

Slammer was evaluated for Farm Dog Certified and passed he is now: Sand Spring Throw The Book At Him JH THDN FDC DM SPOT-ON

Slammer attended his first NADD event on June 5-6, 2020 where he jumped consistently 20-23 ft 5 times for his AKC Dock Master title. His personal best for the weekend was 22 ft.

Slammer becomes my new Pet Therapy team.

Slammer receives his AKC Canine Good Citizens, Trick Dog Novice, Intermediate and Advanced along with his UKC Socialized Pet Obedience Test. He is out of Guilty and Norman 2019 litter. His new registered name is Sand Spring Throw The Book At Him JH CGC TKA SPOT-ON
October 2019

Presenting Nat’l,Int’l, Honors Puppy CH Sand Spring Guilty by Design, 1 group 1, 2 group 2, 1 group 3. Wonderful comments from 5 judges, pretty much in line. Today we performed much better as Gunney did not pace. I am finally learning to show this wonderful girl the way she deserves to be shown! She is awesome!! 💖 I enjoy IABCA shows as the judges give a written evaluation and then take the time to talk to you about what they see. Thank you JoAnn Stancer for this beautiful girl!! 💖 Gunney is out of Guilty and Norman 1/31/19 litter.

On Sept 1st, Slammer went four for four to receive his AKC Junior Hunter title at 7 months of age. Host club was Madison Retriever Club. Slammer is owned by John and JoAnn Stancer of Sand Spring Chesapeakes he is out of Guilty and Norman 1/31/19 litter.

Sand Spring All I Had To Do Was Dream SCN
Owner: t wilson
Title Date Earned Location
SCN 08/11/2019 Toledo Kennel Club, Inc.; Holland, OH