U-CH Sand Spring Pale Rider SPOT
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Wow! Very impressive, Preacher ♥ We would love to share your successes on BFTB NETWoof News
You sure can, would you like to add Gamblers successes too as I took pictures just like that of Preacher of Gambler with his UKC ribbons and his AKC ribbons.
A lot of ribbons for a yung’un 🙂
Quite impressive! Way to go Preacher-girl. 🙂
I guess she is doing well with that.
That’s a very nice collection, Preacher. Well done!
Wow! That is a lot of ribbons, Preacher. Congratulations on all of your successful hunting. 🙂
Wow! Way to go!
You are a true super star!!!
Wow that’s a lotta pretty ribbons! Well done!
Big congrats! We just received our first UKC ribbon for Nosework. You’re rockin conformation and I love this pic! Nice work.
Wow! That sure is a lot of ribbons! You are very talented!
WOW – and how old are you, Preacher? You have quite a future ahead of you!
Nice ribbon hall little girl.