Puppy Exercise

The Beaniebears are coming up on 7 weeks old now. The past two weeks I have been introducing them to different items. They are now in my basement play land and get to go outside to romp too. Here are some ways they are getting used to items and getting exercise as the same time.

I’ve been having fun with this litter of puppies. In a week they will be going to their new homes. Don’t fear you will still be seeing two of these brown dogs as I am keeping one and my friend from the UK is keeping one and that one I will be watching until the end of May.


The fun and games continue every Friday with FitDog Friday, the weekly Blog Hop brought to you by To Dog With LoveSlimDoggy and Emma from Mygbgvlife to promote a healthy active lifestyle for pets (and their people, too!). Join in every Friday by linking up your FitDog story or visiting the blogs in the Hop.


12 Replies to “Puppy Exercise”

  1. easyweimaraner

    must laugh as I saw the pup with the skateboard… they are so cute! can you send me such a proplan bag full of puppies please hahahaha :o) it is a little bitter sweet to read that they are 7 weeks old… that means they will meet their new furmilies soon…. but I’m sure they all will love those brown dawgs as much as we do :o)

  2. Jan K

    They grow so fast, I can’t believe it! Who knew they made puppy skateboards…LOL! I wondered if you were going to be keeping one – your household is getting big…so much fun!! 🙂

  3. Taryn

    You are a marvelous breeder. I don’t think you could do any more to make well-rounded dogs. I wish I wanted a Chessie because I would definitely be on your puppy buyer list!!!!!

  4. Barbara Rivers

    Aww, I loved ALL the videos! You are doing a fantastic job socializing the puppies 🙂 We have one of those play tunnels too. They’re a lot of fun 🙂