I have a couple raspberry bandits at my house. For many year the dogs wouldn’t even think about eating the raspberries until one day a couple weeks ago John decided to give each dog a raspberry while he was picking them.
That was the beginning of the end for the raspberries. All 5 dogs now love raspberries and can’t stop eating them. They have trails though my bushes. If you can’t find the dogs just look in the raspberries and you will see butts with wagging tails sticking out.
I guess there could be worse addictions, at least I know where they are when outside.
Do your dogs eat stuff out of the garden?
what a clever pup :o) and they know the bestest fruits LOL Easy eats no fruits or veggies, he is more a fan of illegal substances like rotten bbirds eggs or pine cones :o(
mine like illegal substances too, and roll in many dead stuff
Ha! My 2 OES’s were MAJOR raspberries (and blackberry) thieves! Loved watching them early in the morning strip a 9″ tall strip nose height all along the fence of the garden where the plants poked through. Sam wouldn’t eat a berry if his life depended on it but this post makes me smile recalling those OES days. 🙂
great memories.
It’s so cute to watch them pick the berries right off the bushes! Black raspberries used to be our beagle Kobi’s favorite.
I love black raspberries too.
Our chessies used to eat berries off of our service berry tree. Not surprised they love them!
John is cracking up at all the red poop.
First of all…WOW! those are incredible raspberry bushes! I’ve never seen one before. I’m sure the boys would eat them too. LOL!
I used to have a bunch more but they died or got suffocated by all the weeds.
Wish we had a yard to have raspberries!! Lucky pups!!!!!
I’m the lucky one, I love them!
Mmmmm… Those raspberries look good! Barbarella and her other sister Penny, would help themselves to our kale plants by ripping the leaves off and eating them.
ohhhh don’t have kale here, actually I just have raspberries for a garden. I hear kale is good for you.
Bears love raspberries! https://youtu.be/DNJ6X6Y-AIs MOL!!!
That video was awesome! I like the girl giggling in it.
We don’t have a garden, but there are blueberry bushes along one of our walks. We like to stop and munch there.
Blueberries are good too!
Oh dear, John, what have you started? 😀
Hi Y’all!
Yummy! I love fruit! It’s my favorite treat! Any kind of fruit!
Y’all come on by!
Hawk aka BrownDog
I think our dogs would love to find a berry tree!
So cute! For some reason, my dog doesn’t like to eat strange things. It make me sad when I try to feed him a strawberry.