#RecipeForMoments: My Soulmates Son

I am joining other fellow bloggers and sharing my #RecipeForMoments story with you all. Brought to you by:


My special moment was born on 5/13/11. His name is Gambler and he is My Soulmates Son. I waited 8 years for my Norman son and he was well worth the wait.


Norman was my soulmate, my best friend, my faithful companion so Gambler has some pretty big paws to fill.


I competed with Norman in AKC and UKC hunt tests in which he received the highest titles, I never did any other venues with him. Gambler on the other hand in his short life has already outdone his dad in competing and titling in multiple venues.

Gambler has his UKC Senior Dock Jumping title, his UKC Hunting Retriever title, his UKC Grand Champion show title and his AKC Senior Hunter Title. All this before he is 3 years old.

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One of my proudest moments happened at the 2013 UKC Premier. This is where I seen and felt the unconditional love this boy has for me. I had other handlers show him for me as I was handling his sister Glory in the same show ring. He never took his eyes off me. He always needed to know where I was. Needing to know where I was didn’t mess his gate up at all or his stacking. As long as he could see me he was a statue with the best manners. He wouldn’t face the right way when in the line up ready to be stacked. He was backwards so he could see me. The judges didn’t mind this as they said “it doesn’t matter what side I examine as long as he is happy” and happy he was when he could see his momma.


My heart just melted when he stood backwards. All this guy wants to do is please me and show me how much he loves me.

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He went Best Of Breed three out of the five shows this week. You can just see the love and devotion in his eyes when I was handling him. He is 3/4 on the way to filling those big paws of my soulmate.


We finished off our special show moments by receiving his UKC Grand Champion title this past November. This truly is the most special moment for me as I have never shown dogs in conformation before and to have Norman’s son as a Grand Champion is more than I could of ever expected. He ended the 2013 year by being in the top 10  UKC Breed and Dog standings. He was #1 for the Chesapeake Bay Retriever two years in a row. #RecipeForMoments for sure!

“This post is sponsored by Nature’s Recipe® on behalf of the BlogPaws Blogger Network. I am being compensated for helping spread the word about Nature’s Recipe for Moments on behalf of Nature’s Recipe, but we only share information we feel is relevant to our readers. Nature’s Recipe is not responsible for the content of this article.”

Our story is a part of the #RecipeForMoments blog hop hosted by BlogPaws.

Link up below to share your story of the bond you and your pet share. 
What do you think your pet feels in your special moments?  
Five random U.S. winners who link up their blog post will win a Nature’s Recipe® lightweight collar camera to capture special moments from their pet’s point of view.
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15 Replies to “#RecipeForMoments: My Soulmates Son”

  1. easyweimaraner

    You are just wonderful Gambler! Congratulations to your titles, I hope 2014 will be the next great year for you. I think every moment together with you is like a gift.

  2. Jenna,Mark “HuskyCrazed” Drady

    Wow! That was a beautiful story !
    And a big congrats for all the wonderful things you have won together!!!
    That would have melted my heart to the way he always wanted to be looking at you! That is SO sweet!!!
    ((Husky hugz))
    Frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky

  3. Oz the Terrier

    Can I say that in the photo of Norman and Gambler, you can see their family resemblance? They both have the same smile!!! Gambler sure is a special boy and you are lucky to have each other. There is an obvious bond between you…maybe that comes from a little help from Norman.
    *Cairn cuddles* for a great #RecipeForMoments

  4. Jan K

    It’s so wonderful to be able to raise the offspring of your special dog, and then to also have such great success with him. Those are special moments indeed.

  5. Jodi

    He is amazing, just like his Momma. 🙂 This was so wonderful, and I’m glad that G-man is helping to fill the hole left by your soulmate.