ReFuel Gman

When I was out shopping for the supplies for our Saskatchewan Snow Goose Hunt I made sure I picked up some Pro Plan Sport ReFuel Bars for the dogs. Hunting snow geese can result in many retrieves right after each other with little time to rest. In order to keep your hunting dog muscles in working order you should ReFuel them.


Taken from the Purina Website

The Pro Plan SPORT ReFUEL Bar is a post-exercise nutritional supplement bar that helps replenish muscle energy stores and promotes muscle rebuilding. It should be fed within 30 minutes after exercise, which is important because of the brief window of time after exercise when muscles are maximized for nutrient uptake. The ReFUEL Bar contains key nutrients to help reinvigorate tired muscles and is formulated with rapidly digested ingredients to help deliver these nutrients within the optimal time after exercise.

PicMonkey Collage

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Gambler was excited to be eating his ReFuel bar, it was very tasty and hit the spot after a great hunt.


After a 18 goose retrieve it was time to ReFuel Gman’s muscles. We had a week of hunting to do so we wanted to make sure we kept up his strength and hopefully decrease the risk of injury.


Tuesdays, Just Got Tastier! We are joining the Tuesday Blog Hop Hosted By Kol’s Notes and Sugar The Golden Retriever



12 Replies to “ReFuel Gman”

  1. Fozziemum

    It sure does look like he loves them too! i always have a chuckle when at the produce store to buy hay and goodies for the sheep i see the working dogs kibble..i chuckle because i think mine are gentleman farmers hahaahah 🙂 although in summer we do take to to the dam or the reservoir and they go nuts retrieving small bits of pool noodle we tape up…maybe they have a chance hey 🙂 loves Bev xx

  2. Oz the Terrier

    First, holy smokes look at all those geese! Go GMan!! And of course, refueling muscles during extended activity is so important. Those bars look and sound like they would be a perfect refuel snack!

  3. Jan K

    It is so cool they have these kinds of things for dogs. I’m guessing they taste better to the dogs than some of the energy bars for humans that I’ve eaten in the past. 🙂