Roxy (Glory and Bear 2016 pup) is loving the water this summer. She just loves dock jumping and here she is showing off her skills at the North America Diving Dogs competition. She is doing a air retrieve and her personal best for the weekend was 16 ft. She has jumped now over 18 ft.
Go Roxy get that bumper, I enjoy all the pictures Trish posts up of Roxy, too bad we didn’t live closer so I could see her compete in person.
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Wow! Looks like so much fun!
Wow! My friend who has just started dock diving with her 1 year old Lab can’t seem to interest him in the air retrieve. He is doing great jumping masters level straight out, 20+ feet, but he won’t jump up for the bumper.
That is so cool. A fellow blogger at Cello’s Corner participates in Dock Diving events too. It’s a great sport.
I really want to get Jaxson into this sport. Perhaps next year. He loves the water and I think he’d be excellent at it.
Fun sport to watch. We aren’t real good at it being so short and long.
Go, Roxy! I think dock diving is one of the most fun dog sports to watch!
Wow! That is really impressive. Go, Roxy! Dogs can do such amazing things. It looks like Roxy was having a great time too. 🙂
I love the airborne-photos, they are stunning!!! well done, you caught the best moments ;o)
We just saw a competition on TV over the weekend. Incredible!