Sand Spring Chesapeakes Is Now An AKC Breeder of Merit
It all started in 2000 when we got our foundation stud Norman. We knew we wanted to become breeders so we did all that we could to ensure the success with Norman. We followed the guidelines in what the American Chesapeake Club recommended for proper health clearances on breeding stock, we knew we wanted to produce hunting dogs that would excel in any performance events as well as be structurally sound, correct conformation and live a long healthy life. In order to do all this besides health clearances we needed to “prove” our dogs have/had  what it takes to be great hunting/performance dog so the hunt test game began. We started training Norman in hunt tests when ready we would enter him so we could eventuality get his titles to “prove” he had what it took instead of just saying “we have the best hunting dog out there”. Norman went on to become our first UKC HRCH Finished and AKC Master Hunter titled dog.

Foundation Stud Norman
We bred Norman and got our foundation bitch Nellie in 2004. We continued on doing everything correctly with Nellie so we could breed her in the future. We completed her health clearances and started entering her in hunt tests as well. She went on to be our second dog with a UKC HRCH Finished and her AKC Senior Hunter title.

Foundation bitch Nellie
We chose a stud dog that we thought would compliment Nellie and have puppies that would better the breed. Our first litter was December of 2007. Nellie went on to have a total of 3 litters, 17 puppies in the end.

Nellie and Rebel 2007 puppies. Litter of 7

Nellie and Tiny 2009 puppies. Litter of 6
For Nellie’s last litter we chose a stud dog that we wanted to continue in our breeding program. We knew we would spay her after this litter so we would need a bitch to keep the Sand Spring line going. We kept  the little red girl and she became known as Glory.

Nellie and Lefty 2011 puppies. Litter of 4
Before breeding Glory, we ensured all her health clearances were up to par and started training her for hunt tests and so far have gotten her UKC HR Seasoned and AKC Senior Hunter titles. Glory we started doing other events with with, we went on to get her UKC Conformation title and her AKC Canine Good Citizen and Community Canine titles, Therapy Dog Novice and Temperament Test title. She is one of my therapy dogs.

Glory and Thunder 2015 puppies. Litter of 8
Nellie’s great maternal instinct was certainly passed down to Glory as she was the best mom you could ask for with her two litters she has had. As long as Glory is healthy we will have another litter with her this fall/winter.
So where as all this breeding gotten us? It has gotten us after 10 years the AKC Breeder of Merit accomplishment.
The following must be met in order to be accepted into the program:
- Has a history of at least 5 years involvement with AKC events.
- Earned AKC Conformation, Performance or Companion* event titles on a minimum of 4 dogs from AKC litters they bred/co-bred in each breed applied for.
- Member of an AKC club.
- Certifies that applicable health screens are performed on your breeding stock as recommended by the Parent Club.
- Demonstrates a commitment to ensuring 100% of the puppies produced are individually AKC registered.
*Applied for titles, i.e. CGC, Barn Hunt, Working titles, etc., do not meet event requirements.Â
We couldn’t be more proud to have had 3 generations of Sand Spring puppies in our house at one time. This past spring we said good bye to our foundation bitch Nellie, she was a great ambassador to our breeding program and taught me so much, without her there would be no continuation of Sand Spring.

Sand Springs letter explaining the benefits of the Breeder of Merit Program.
Glory is continuing on the tradition and soon her daughter Guilty will be entered into our breeding program pending her health clearances and performance titles. Guilty already has started her therapy dog career and has her AKC Therapy Dog Novice title as well as her Canine Good Citizen along with her UKC Conformation title and Dock Dog Novice title.

Our certificate.
Norman, Nellie and Glory have all had offspring that have gotten performance, conformation and companion event titles. There offspring are still going strong and I have to take a moment to thank their owners for training and entering their dogs in various events. Without them I too would not be where I am today. At Sand Spring we strive to always better ourselves in our dogs. We are learning as we go and hope to be passing on our knowledge to our puppy buyers so they can make informed decisions on their pups. In 2015 we have implemented the Puppy Culture way of raising our puppies as well as started doing Early Neurological Stimulation on our puppies.

USJ HRCH U-GRCH Sand Spring’s Ev’ry Paw’s A Winner MH THDN CGCA TT TKI – Gambler
Our foundation stud Norman is no longer with us either but he lives on in the swimmers we have in storage waiting for future use and lives on in his children especially Gambler who is now the living stud dog at Sand Spring. Norman was my heart dog and I never thought a dog could out do Norman but his son has proven to have out did his old man in accomplishing so much more in performance and companion events. He also has offspring that are playing the hunt test game and hopefully soon they will be getting titles and proving their worth out in the field.
We will proudly display the AKC Breeder Of Merit Banner on our website and continue to breed to the standards of the AKC and the American Chesapeake Club.
AKC Breeder of Merit Participants demonstrate a commitment to the AKC Community, dedication to their breed(s), and actively promote the sport of purebred dogs. The AKC is proud to recognize AKC Breeders who are dedicated to breeding beautiful purebred dogs whose appearance, temperament, and ability are true to their breed. These breeders are the heart of AKC. *AKC website*
Well deserved.
Mucho congrats
Happy for you
This is a wonderful recognition of your efforts. Congrats to Sand Spring and all the wonderful dogs who have made it a terrific operation. Continued success in the future. Looking forward to seeing more Glory pups this winter. 🙂
Congratulations! Being a good breeder is a lot of work, and you know the ins and outs quite well and produce great dogs.
I am so proud for you! What a great recognition for all of your care and hard work. Congratulations!
That is such a WONDERFUL and WELL-DESERVED HONOR!!! Well done YOU!!!!
HUGE congratulations!!! What a long road of hard work for you, and how wonderful to see it all pay off. No one who knows you or of you would doubt they were getting a quality puppy anyway!
Congratulations! I do wish the AKC was a bit more particular about giving this designation to breeders that do not do even cursory health clearances, or better still do them and ignor bad results.