Sand Spring Dogs In Badger Sportsman Magazine

Sand Spring Dogs have made it into Badger Sportsman Magazine thanks to Justin Kohn of All Seasons Adventures In Wisconsin. Justin is a hunting and fishing guide in south central Wisconsin who just happens to be a friend of mine and who has one of my Sand Spring puppies Riley who isn’t a puppy anymore and will be 6 this coming December. Riley has retrieved countless birds in her young life. Last hunting season Riley was injured and had to take the season off. Gambler was happy to step in and live with Justin for a couple of months. During that time he then got to make countless retrieves. Both Riley and Gambler of course got their picture taken many times because when you go hunting you have to show off your trophies and dogs for the day. There was one hunting trip that John, Gambler, Glory and I went on with Justin along with our friend Mike and his son Dustin. It was a early goose hunt where both Gambler and Glory got to retrieve the geese. Badger Sportsman asked Justin to write a hunting article for them including pictures of his hunts. The Sept/October issue of Badger Sportsman is out and who is in the pictures? None other than 3 Sand Spring bred dogs, Riley, Glory and Gambler! I couldn’t be more proud to have my pups in a magazine.






Gambler is in the top left, lower left, middle photos. Gambler and Glory are in the bottom right photo. The other pictures are of Riley.





Here are the original photos of Gambler and Glory:






Thanks Justin I can’t wait to get my copy and read your article, thanks for taking us hunting with you!


We are joining Linda at 2browndawgs and Jodi at Heart Like A Dog for this great blog hop.

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