Saskatchewan First Hunt 2017

September 30, 2017 was our first day of hunting snow geese in Saskatechewan. There were 5 of us hunting with 4 Sand Spring dogs. John was double teaming the birds with Glory and Gambler on each side of him while hunting, I had Guilty and our friend Mike had 10 year old Pearl. Pearl is out of the first litter we had with Nellie. She is doing awesome for being 10, you wouldn’t know she was that age by the awesome job she did out in the field. She gave it her all, she was just a bit sore but no worse for wear. I was hunting next to Ron so Guilty got to retrieve my birds as well as Ron’s. This day she retrieved 20 geese. She was loving life for sure. All the pictures in this post today are of Guilty.

We ended up with 58 birds. 48 snows and ross’s combined, 3 canada’s and 3 mallards. A pretty good day for our first day. The dogs sure were tired at night time and so was I. When we go hunting we set our alarms for o-dark thirty which correlates to 3:15 a.m. we leave the farm house at 3:45-4 a.m. get to the field by 4:30 a.m. start setting up decoys and put out what we can leaving enough time to park the trucks away from the field and walk the dogs back which turns out to be about a mile walk, get our blind’s set up and then wait for shooting hours to start which was around 6:30 a.m.  When the hunt is over, we walk back to get our trucks, drive back out to the field and start picking up decoys which takes about 2 hours as well. We then head back to the farm house and clean our morning birds, eat a little lunch and by that time it is 3 p.m. At about 5-5:30 p.m. we get in the trucks and head out to scout looking for a field to hunt in the next morning. That can take 10 minutes up to a hour or more. Once a field is locked in it’s supper time and then bed time as o-dark thirty comes pretty darn quickly.



10 Replies to “Saskatchewan First Hunt 2017”

  1. M. K. Clinton

    That makes for a FULL day of hunting! Congratulations on all the birds. I can imagine the dogs were worn out.

  2. Michael Fischer

    Guilty did a nice job JoAnn and she sure is a good looker.
    What a great time!
    Let’s do it again!

  3. easyweimaraner

    I bet not only the pups are dogtired after a hunting day ;o) I just imagined what Phenny would do… he probably would ignore the real berds while making confetti from the fake ones…;O)))

  4. Emmadog

    I think that hunting trip is perfect for you all and the dogs! Getting up so early is not fun, but when it is for what you really love to do, it is just fine!

  5. Beth

    Wow! I’m exhausted just reading that schedule. It sounds like Guilty was quite the busy girl! I’m glad you had such a good first hunt!