Saskatchewan Hunting Day 1-2016

Sunday September 26 was the first day of hunting in Saskatchewan. We hit the field at 4:15 am to get our decoys in place. There were 6 hunters and 5 dogs. Gambler hunted with me while Glory and Guilty hunted with John. Normally one dog is with a hunter but since Guilty was only 7 months old and hasn’t done any hunting besides dove hunting John wanted both dogs in case Glory had to be back up for Guilty.

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We had a great hunt. Guilty did wonderful for her first time out. Glory was a bit confused as to why she had to hunt with Guilty. Guilty didn’t need any back up and Glory did get to get a few retrieves in too. Gambler and I had a great morning. All the dogs got some retrieving in. We ended up with 8 mallards, 25 pintails, 3 snows for a total of 36 birds.

7 Replies to “Saskatchewan Hunting Day 1-2016”

  1. Sand Spring Chesapeakes Post author

    I have never made gumbo with duck but I bet it would be good. I usually just slice it pack it with cream cheese put a jalapeno in there and wrap in bacon then broil. I will make duck stew but that just has gravy in it.