#Scoop That Poop #2 Be A Scooper Hero


Be A Scooper Hero!

It’s a bird, it’s a plane…..it’s a Scooper Hero Gman to the scoop that poop rescue!

Scooper Hero Gman

Scooper Hero Gman

If there’s poop to be scooped Gman is the man for the job. If he finds unattended poop be sure he will find out who it belongs to, if it’s not unattended he will make sure it is taken care of properly.

Out for our daily walk.

Out for our daily walk.

Most unattended and poop left behind happens when dogs are taken on a walk. Some people think they don’t need to pick up after their dogs. They are so wrong! Everyone should be picking up after their dogs no matter where they are.

Well well what do we have here?

Well well what do we have here?

Scooper Hero Gman asks!

Mystery Poop.

Mystery Poop.

It’s unattended poop! Who left this here? Someone didn’t pick up after their pet. Gman says “wait a minute, this isn’t k9 poop” I wonder who left this behind out here in the county on the blacktop road? (Find out the mystery pooper at the end of the post)

Scooper Hero picks up mystery poop.

Scooper Hero picks up mystery poop.

Who’s poop is it is neither here nor there, we should pick up all poop we come across
so that we can cut down on the risk of spreading diseases and internal parasites.

Continuing our walk.

Continuing our walk.

Carry on gang, back to our walk. We are using the nifty The Fifth Paw poop bag holder, isn’t it cool?

Super scooper Gman to the rescue again.

Super scooper Gman to the rescue again.

Nellie has to poo.

Nellie has to poo.

This time we know who the pooper is, it is Nellie so we should pick up her poop so we don’t contaminate the soil if by chance she had internal parasites.

Opps have to wipe.

Opps have to wipe.

Sure glad I had this Fetch Earth disposable poop bag with this handy dandy wipe on it to wipe Nellie’s butt after a messy poop.


Back to our walk.

Back to our walk, Norman and Glory poo’ed so we now have 4 bags of poop on The Fifth Paw. If the reason why people don’t pick up their poop is because they don’t want to hold on to it then the answer would be to get The Fifth Paw and let it hold the poop for you.

Hike it up high gman.

Hike it up high gman.

Even Scooper Hero Gman has to have his turn. You all know he likes to hike his ass up high to poop so we thought we would show you it again just in case you forgot what he looked like pooping. He took his cape off so he wouldn’t get it dirty.

You didn’t forget about the mystery pooper did you? The mystery pooper would be none other than Mr. Coyote!

Mystery pooper.

Mystery pooper.

How do I know this you ask? I know this because when Scooper Hero Gman came upon the poop he tried to roll on it which told me it was a wild animal poop. We have had a pack of coyote’s hang around our property as we can hear them yipping at night. I didn’t need the dogs rolling in that poop so I picked it up!

Be pro active and scoop that poop.

Be pro active and scoop that poop.


This is the 2nd Scoop That Poop blog hop. Put on by Sugar The Golden Retriever and Dogster.

#ScoopThatPoop now has its own website and can be found on Twitter as well.

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27 Replies to “#Scoop That Poop #2 Be A Scooper Hero”

  1. amywern

    Super G,

    You are amazing! This explains yesterday’s break out — there must have been a local poopy emergency that you were trying to get to! Shame on Mom for locking you away from your duties (or doodies).

    Love from your pals, Lewis and Georgia

  2. tarynft

    I often wonder if people get annoyed when they run across wild animal poop thinking it is dog poop…In my neighborhood, the wild animals seem to love to leave poop out in plain sight, like in the middle of a sidewalk or paved trail, on top of round sewer hole covers, and on top of logs. I guess they want to make sure their message gets sent!

  3. Heart Like A Dog (@HeartLikeADog)

    OH. MY. DOG! I laughed so hard, this was great. I think we have to kill them with humor, and shame them into picking up their poop! My question, why can’t poor Nellie drop a deuce without someone climbing on her head? Have they no respcet for the pooping ceremony?

  4. SUGAR: Golden Woofs

    Don’t we wish we can determine which dog leaves their poop. BTW its a smiling poop 🙂 TheFifthPaw is such a handy device. So glad you are enjoying your walk. Lots of Golden Thanks for joining our hop. Lots of Golden woofs, Sugar

  5. Gizmo

    GMan is a true Scooper Hero…He looks so dashing in his cape (Gizmo gets called Gman too, but he doesn’t carry it off nearly so well 🙂 ) Great job spreading the word…If we keep it up, little by little we can make a change

  6. Jessica Rhae (@YDWWYW)

    That’s a lot of poop to pick up. I don’t envy big dog owners. I only have to clean up after my two 10 lb dogs. However, I have been known to pick up after other dog owners…so I know what picking up a BIG pile is like 🙂

  7. BoingyDog

    Great post – love Hero Gman! Wow, coyote poop – it looked small in the picture so I’d guessed goose poop. Probably only because I see goose poop every day. Thanks for joining the hop!

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