We have some segregation going on at the Sand Spring house. Guilty is in heat so Gambler and her need to be separated until she is no longer in heat. Preacher as you know came back to Sand Spring because she and Pearl had gotten into a couple of nasty fights. I’m sad to say that Preacher has started to pick fights with Guilty. This behavior started since Guilty has come into heat so I’m hoping the behavior will end when Guilty is out of heat. Preacher can’t be trusted hanging out with Guilty so she and Gambler are now in segregation together. Dog behavior is a whole other league that I know some about but I will be the first to admit I don’t know the in’s and out’s of how the dog brain works and what makes them do the things they do. I know there are triggers so those triggers have been put away, for instance Preacher has been doing some resource guarding so all the bones and treat toys have been put away. There’s a whole lot of hormones raging at my house with Gambler, Riggs and Glory being intact, Nellie being old and grumpy who will set someone straight at a split of a second and Guilty who has the most hormones right now with being in heat. Dogs will be dogs and have their personality differences I just hope we can stick to a routine that will work for everyone and keep everyone safe.
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We know a lot about behavior issues and it is not fun. Good luck with all those situations going on at once.
Sorry chaos and segregation is reigning. Hopefully the hormones will work out soon enough and the girls can get back to being pawsome Chessie sisters together.
Oh dear, sounds like you’ve got your hands full! Hope it all settles down quickly.
Bless your heart! It has to be crazy trying to keep everyone in their place. I’m wishing you peace. ♥
So sorry to hear that you need to keep everyone apart. We’ve been dog juggling since Coops joined our household in August and I know how difficult it can be. Fingers crossed that when Guilty is out of heat things improve!!
I’m sorry to hear that there has been some fighting between your dogs! It sounds like you have everything well under control. They are very lucky to have someone who understands them as well as you do. Hopefully, everything will be okay when the girls are done with their heat. Your photos are beautiful!
I’m sorry to hear that. Hopefully, it’s as you say and once she’s out of her heat, it will go back to normal.
Hope things get better once her heat is over! It’s good that you have ways to keep everypawdy segregated! Good luck!
Ugh – hormones are the worst and I think things run wild when that dynamic is in play – I’m sorry about all of this… even with my three it can be tricky. I just wrote about resource guarding as Sherm is the KING of this so I get it…. sending positive thoughts.
sounds like hot times in Stancerville… we the heat time is over as fast as pawsible and without any accidents. I remember the time of our intact huskie and the intact foxterrier of my parents… the house looked like a fort with fencing inside…. :o)
Ah, some of the joys of having multiple dogs. We’ve had enough of those issues without even having dogs in heat! Hope everything goes smoothly and you get through this OK.
Pingback: Hormones Gone Segregation Gone Somewhat – Sand Spring Chesapeakes
I am sure the exercise helped.