Momma Glory is so tolerable of her daughter Guilty, she will even stay sleeping while Guilty puts her paw on her nose for her to smell. A mother daughter love like no other!
Much sadness in Blogville today as we learned the sad news that Easy Rider is now with us in Spirit. Many sympathies to Mark and Kathy. Heaven gained it’s own snow machine last night. Hugs!
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Such sad news.
We are all stunned and heartbroken. Continue to make beautiful snow, Easy.
Dogs can make even the most uncomfortable position look relaxing. Our hearts are broken for Easy and his family. ♥
Awwww! This is such a beautiful relationship. It is so cool to see how pets relate to each other. Those social bonds are amazing. I’m praying for Easy’s family. So sad!
That’s one huge paw!
Moms do tend to have the most patience on the planet.
Oh, that photo reminds me of that annoying chant from when we were kids… “Trick or treat, smell my feet…”
So sad about Easy. Heartbreaking.
That is so cute!
That is sweet.