Wednesday we had a light snow fall. The gang loves snow and has fun running and playing in it. I thought it would be nice to get some pictures of the gang with the snow as this is the second light snow fall of the season. We usually have lots more living in WI and all. About the only thing I like about snow is how it looks on the dogs face and back in pictures.
Thursday WI got hit by a major blizzard. We even made national news. Where I live we got about 8-10 inches by the time I crawled out of bed to get ready for work. I got ready for work, stepped outside, came back in and called work. The snow was deep, the wind was blowing and the snow plow hadn’t even went through yet and no plans on it until the snow stops falling. Picture when going to leave for work.
Having fun in the newly fallen snow.
Another video of snow fun.
Gambler was trying to find his toy in the deep snow. I thought he was playing ostrich.
While we were working hard clearing the deck of all the heavy snow Gambler thought he should sit down while supervising us.
I hate the snow but the dogs LOVE it. Looks like we will be having a White Christmas!
Lexie and Mica are jealous! We had high winds and below freezing temps Thursday afternoon through Friday but got less than 1″.
Looks like your gang is having a terrific time:)
You can have the snow. I hate it but the dogs do love it.