Look at how bald Glory is! Why is Glory so bald you ask? The above photos were taken the end of August just 7 weeks after whelping her first litter of 8 little burr heads.  Not only does the stress of having 8 little burr heads make you go bald (ok not really) the hormones really do a number on a dogs beautiful coat. A month earlier I won a bottle of Finest For Dogs new fish oil product Omegease from Jodi over at Heart Like A Dog. I was excited to win because I was already using one of Finest For Dogs products Rejenease for a good part of the year. I started Nellie who is 11 on it because she started limping and I am happy to say that ever since I started her on this joint supplement she hasn’t had a issue with limping since. Steve from Finest For Dogs told me he was in the process of making a fish oil supplement so I was excited to have won the product and try it out.
Omegease is a liquid fish oil supplement that comes from Wild Caught Fish which is different than Wild Alaskan Salmon Oil because it has a better source of DHA & EPA. It is also FREE of mercury and other contaminants so it makes it 100% pharmaceutical grade pure. It contains Omega 3, 6 & 9 fish oil.
You can either buy a 16 oz pump or a 32 oz pump bottle. According to Steven – One 16oz bottle gives 90 health-boosting daily doses to a 50lb dog for less than 25 cents a day. If you have a pack of dogs like I do then the 32 oz pump would be the one for you. I have been using it on all 4 dogs since September 1st. On a side note it travels really well to as we took a dog vacation to Saskatchewan took a bottle with me and had no problems with traveling. No mess no nothing.I will admit that I was using another fish oil product before Omegease, I was using capsules. The dogs were used to the capsules being thrown in with their food. The capsules did have a fishy odor to them so I was curious to find out how the dogs reacted to this new liquid. The liquid comes with a easy to use pump that you attach when you open the bottle. The directions on how much to use for the weight of your dog is right on the bottle. For the adult dogs it called for two pumps on the food once a day and the puppy it called for one pump. I pumped the liquid on the food, gave the food a quick swirl and put it down for the taste test.You can see here in the above photo that Preacher was excited to eat her food, she didn’t care at all that their was a new liquid on it. The fish oil really doesn’t have a smell, I know some do and some will make the dog smell fishy after eating Omegease didn’t do this.  Preacher licked her bowl clean and looked up at me for more! Because of the many health benefits of Omegease I wanted to get Preacher on it also as it helps boost the immune system, reduces inflammation, lubricates joints as well as supports heart health and brain function. Preacher is growing and going through all these health aspects so this would be a good product for her. It also will promote healthy skin which will lead to a shinier silkier coat. It will reduce shedding so your dog has a thicker coat. Glory, Gambler and Nellie didn’t mind the change in fish oil supplement either. They all dug in and would lick their bowls clean too. Glory is the one I’ve been really keeping my eye on for the past 7 weeks to see how her hair coat looked after starting the Omegease. You saw in the beginning of this post she was bald. You can see in the photos below her hair coat has come back really nicely. No more bald spots or rat tail, her skin is looking really good, no dandruff and her coat is shinny. Omegease is for dogs and cats. You will see results in 30 days if not they will refund your money. Can’t go wrong there except you won’t be getting your money back and you will be buying more at least that is how it worked for me. I give this product 4 paws up!
Now the good news Steven has agreed to give 5 of my lucky readers (US readers only) a free 16 oz bottle of Omegease. The rafflecopter will be running for one week, winners will be notified and announced next week. If you happen to be one of the unlucky readers you can always go to Amazon to purchase your bottle you won’t be disappointed. If your going to go to Amazon to order you might as well go to www.smile.amazon.com and help out your favorite rescue group as when you sign up you can pick who will get a donation from all sales on smile amazon. Right now there is a sale on Omegease the 16 oz bottle is only $21.00 while the 32 oz is $37.00.
Good luck!
On a sad note please keep Sue and her Husband from Talking Dogs in your thoughts as their Jeffie crossed over the rainbow bridge yesterday. It is never easy to loose a fur loved one especially when it is sudden.
When God made the Earth and sky, the flowers and the trees,
He then made all the animals, and all the birds & bees.
And when his work was finished, not one was quite the same,
He said, “I’ll walk this earth of mine, and give each one a name.”
And so he traveled land & sea, and everywhere he went,
A little creature followed him, until its strength was spent.
When all were named upon the earth, and in the sky & sea,
The little creature said, “Dear Lord, there’s not one left for me.”
The father sniffed and softly said, “I’ve left you till the end,
I’ve turned my own name back to front, and called you Dog,
My friend”.