Gambler The Mountain Goat
Gambler is one driven dog when it comes to something he likes (toys & training). He loves to be out doing something, he is always on the go. When we are done playing or training we need to put the items in use up high or behind closed doors as he will find a way to get what he wants. Yesterday his football was up on top of Nellie’s kennel high out of reach, so we thought. When I was in doing laundry I see Gambler first jump into Nellie’s kennel and stick his nose up threw the crate holes trying to get his football. Since he couldn’t get it that way he then jumped out of Nellie’s kennel and jumped on to Glory’s kennel then jumped on top of Nellie’s kennel and grabbed his football. He did this a couple of times while I was getting the camera to take the picture. He has no fear of highs, all he cares about is if he got his toy. John did come in and lift him off the crate so he didn’t hurt himself. He is such a resourceful  dog that may get him in trouble one day.
One Big Beaver
John does trapping on the side. Gambler loves to see all the critters John brings home. This time a friend of ours brought over this beaver for John to take care of. The beaver weighed 65# and Gambler tried with all his might to pick it up. He was able to drag it around for a bit but couldn’t pick it up as it was almost as big as him. Gambler weighs 70#.
John skins the critters he gets then he fleshes them and drys them. He then sells the hides to a fur buyer.
That was it for yesterdays adventures. Have a great day!