The co-hosts for Barks And Bytes are Linda from 2browndawgs and Jodi from Heart Like A Dog. Thank you for having this hop!
The Barks:
It was time for Glory’s yearly vet visit. Everything went great. Her exam was normal, her weight was up by 3# but that is ok she is still a good weight and she will loose that just as soon as the snow goes away and she gets back into spring training. She had her elbows xray’ed for her OFA (Orthopedic Foundation For Animals). She had her blood drawn for her yearly heartworm test along with updating her DHLPP, Bordetella and Lyme vaccines. She is good to go for another year.
I finally got around to putting the pencil drawing that Debbie Stonebraker from Stonebraker Art did of Glory for the Pink Whistle Society. I really should have it framed and matted but for now this will do.
I finally got to the store to get some Jones Natural Chews so the gang had fun chomping on their femur bones.
Were getting closer to St. Patty’s day……
The Bytes:
Hope everyone has a great Thursday.
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