Dock Jumping- Ultimate Air Dog

Dock Jumping is a UKC licensed event. It is put on by Ultimate Air Dog.

Taken from UKC website:

Dock jumping is a simple, yet exciting sport that has been exploding all over the country. UKC is excited to add it as another performance event, through Ultimate Air Dogs; yet another way to have fun with your dog! There are two different forms of jumping that UKC dogs will be able to obtain titles in: Ultimate Air or Distance Jumping, and Ultimate Vertical.

Ultimate Air is the basic form of competition that started dock jumping. Dogs run down the dock and handlers try to get them to fly as far as they can after a toy. It’s a thrilling, adrenaline-driven event that is a blast for handlers and crowds alike.

How your dog can title:

UKC dock jumping (air dog) titles must be earned successively. Equivalent titles from

other venues may not be substituted for UKC dock jumping titles. Once a higher title is obtained, it will

replace the lower title of the same category.

A. Distance Jumping (Ultimate Air) Titles.

1. Initial Distance Jumping Title. To earn this title a dog must earn a qualifying **jump

score in five splashes in the same division at UKC licensed dock jumping events. The

Distance Jumping Initial Titles are:

a. United Novice Jumper (UNJ): 1” to 9’11”

b. United Junior Jumper (UJJ): 10’ to 14’11”

c. United Senior Jumper (USJ): 15’ to 19’11”

d. United Master Jumper (UMJ): 20’ to 22’5”

e. United Ultimate Jumper (UUJ): 22’6” and up

Before the Premier I practiced jumping Gambler off the pier at the lake. It took a couple practice runs then after he got the hang of it he went off the end of the pier no problem.


Gambler has never done dock jumping by UAD. They say sometimes the dogs won’t jump into the pool as the water is clear so they don’t exactly don’t know what they are jumping into so they don’t want to go off the end. Gamblers first jump wasn’t so hot at he was unsure.


The dokken splash and Gambler heading to the end of the platform.


Not so sure about going off.


Get in there.


The flop.


Much better take off second time around.




The splash.

Here are Gambler’s jumps from his time at the Premier.

Thurs 3.8 ft         9.9         novice
Fri     13.9          16.6        senior
11.8           13.4        junior
Sat    13.6          15.9        senior
17.4          14.4        senior
Sun   16.10         17.6        senior elite
18.3          17.5        senior elite
15.1          16.9        senior
18.2           17.10      senior elite

His lowest first jump was 3.8 ft, his longest jump by the last day was 18.3 ft.

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Here is Gambler’s title certificate that came in the mail the other day.


Glory competed also but not as many times as Gambler did as she was just finishing her heat cycle. I did the same thing with Glory as I did with Gambler by practicing at the lake. She LOVED going off the pier.






Glory didn’t title in Dock Jumping as she needed one more splash in the novice level to title. Here are her jumps for the time at the Premier.

Sat       6.8 ft       8.10        novice
9.4          8.10        novice
Sun     12.2         9.5          junior
9.8          9.4          novice
7.10        8.4          novice
10.5        8.10         junior

A good time was had by all.

Monday Mischief ~Creek Mischief

Monday Mischief really happened on Sunday morning before the rain came. 3 of the dogs and I took a venture to the creek to get some energy out so there wasn’t any mischief for the rest of the day. Poor Norman had to stay home since the snow was too deep and he is just to old to be trucking threw that stuff. Nellie, Gambler, Glory and I headed to the creek for some mischief. Parts of the creek were open so the dogs got to frolic in the water with the help of me throwing a stick. Gambler loves to show off his jumping skills by jumping across the water to the other side. Glory and Nellie just jump in and climb up the bank to the other side. They all had fun grabbing the stick and running around with it. We then walked across the marsh back home. Once home they got their furdrys on and took a nice nap on the couch.

This is a Blog Hop. Thanks to Alfie’s BlogSnoopy’s Dog Blog Luna, a Dog’s Life , and My Brown Newfies for setting up this hop. Please go to any of the sponsoring blogs to find out who else has been mischievous.
monday mischief