Tasty Tuesday~Christmas Yogurt

We made some super easy frozen Christmas yogurt treats. All you need is yogurt, red and green food coloring and silicone molds.

Today Chef Gambler is going to make Christmas yogurt.

Put some red and green food coloring in some yogurt, put in silicone and freeze, wala

easy pezie

Taste test time.

Chef Gambler trying his out immediately.

Nellie not sure if it’s time to eat hers.

Ok it’s safe to eat.

This is a fun treat.

The gang loved them. They loved them so much I have to share the blooper story and picture with you. I was setting up the photo shoot so I put the treats on the table outside. Gambler tried jumping up before I had his apron on so I put the treats on the ledge of the porch. Of course they jumped up there sent the plate sailing 12 ft down and quickly ran down and gobbled up the treats before the photo shoot.

Gobble gobble gobble

Needless to say they got new treats for the photo shoot. Gambler ran so hard he ripped the ties right off his apron and got it all muddy so some repairs are in order.


Tuesdays, Just Got Tastier!Tuesdays, Just Got Tastier!

We are joining the Tuesday Blog Hop Hosted By Kol’s Notes and Sugar The Golden Retriever

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18 Replies to “Tasty Tuesday~Christmas Yogurt”

  1. Jodi

    BWA HA HA HA, I was questioning how you dared to even let him in the kitchen. 🙂 I’m glad (I know it’s mean) to see I’m not the only one who stages photos only to have the dogs mess them up.

  2. Jan K

    That sounds about how photo shoots go around here too! We never would have known that it didn’t all go perfect….LOL.
    Simple and yummy treats….that’s our favorite kind around here!

  3. M. K. Clinton

    I apologize for laughing, but that sounds like our photo shoots too! I cannot get a picture of Bentley with a treat without him trying to eat it. The words “leave it” and “no” make him laugh and laugh! LOL!

  4. tylersat99

    A great job on making Christmas treats Gambler. They are very pretty too although I doubt that you care s lot about looks. I can easily see Aspen knocking the plate off so he could eat them all 🙂

  5. Beth

    That is a great recipe! I have a lot of trouble getting Theo to pose with treats. They have to be out of his reach, or he eats them faster than I can photograph them.