This Moment~See Beautiful is me thanking Lydia from See Beautiful for helping me out after Norman passed away. She saw my See Beautiful blog post about Norman (you can read it here) and contacted me, she wanted to send me a see beautiful bracelet for me to wear and see the beauty in Norman and his life. Here is my blog post thanking Lydia on my Nothing But Norman post. My heart was so touched by her kindness, see saw beautiful in a sad situation which with her kindness I am able to see beautiful so her job was done. I will wear my bracelet in pride and when I look at it I will remember all the beauty in Norman and the 13 years he gave me.
Thank you Lydia for all the good you do in See Beautiful. For those of you that want to do a random act of kindness and help someone See Beautiful you can visit the See Beautiful store and spread the love.
Seeing beautiful is having so many pictures of Norman for me to look back on and see the beauty in his life. Thank you Norman for all your time spent on earth loving me.
Along with This Moment~See Beautiful I want to share the beauty in my Pet Blogging Gift Exchange buddy.  This is a fantastic blog hop brought to you by Pamela at Something Wagging this way comes and her co-hostess Pup Fan from I Still Want More Puppies . Instead of spending money on a fellow blogger for a real gift exchange we are to shower our buddy with compliments, encouragement and virtual love. What could be better than that? It’s a way to spread the word about fellow bloggers and have them pick up new followers. I was lucky enough to be paired with Peggy From Peggy’s Pet Place.
A little bit about Peggy:
She is the author of Dieting With My Dog (Hubble & Hattie, 2011), The dieting with my Dog Guide, Heart to Heart, Hand in Paw which all can be found on Amazon. She is the columnist for Pawsitively Pets ( and has published in Guideposts magazine, Angels on Earth, and dozens of Chicken Soup for the Soul books. If you need a stocking stuffer for Christmas hop on over to Amazon and get one or all of her books.
She had me a Chicken Soup for the Soul books. Long ago I read everyone that came out. I haven’t read one in awhile and I wonder if I read any story’s of her’s in the books I did read. If you subscribe to her newsletter you will get a link to A Little Sister for Hudson, as seen in Chicken Soup for the Soul, My Dog’s Life. I signed up right away got the link and read her story. What a great story it was.  If you want another great Chicken Soup for the Soul story you can read A Furry Little Secret that was just recently published in the Chicken Soup for the Soul newsletter, have a kleenex on hand when you read this one.
I paged through Peggy’s Pet Place blog and checked out each month for 2013 and highlighted the memorable ones to me on a Pinterest Board I created “All things Peggy Frezon“. I invite you to check it out.
Some things I learned why paging through her blog posts.
- Her spaniel mix dog Kelly turned 11 this year in Feb.
- In April her rescue dog that she only had a year Brooks passed away. You can read love that helps heal here. This post reminded me of my recent loss of Norman and how my friends, family, fellow bloggers all came together to make me feel loved and to let me know that Norman was gone but will not be forgotten so I was drawn to this post and realized that someone else was going through what I was and she is absolutely right love that helps heal is This Moment~See Beautiful.
- After Brooks passed away a group of twitter friends got together and did a flyover farewell and included Brooks name in the ones that have passed over the rainbow bridge. I had never heard of this before and I thought it was the most thoughtful way to remember a lost love one. You can read about it here.
- She got another rescue dog a Golden Retriever she named Ike on Aug 6. You can read about it here. She is a wonderful person to rescue the dogs no one wants. Another This Moment~See Beautiful.
- She is a co-hostess to FitDog Friday where you can read about fitness tips for your pooch.
- She is a co-hostess to K9 Kamp fitness event.
I started following Peggy on Facebook where I can keep up to date on her writings, I also invite you to follow along as her story’s are beautiful.
She also tweets if your a tweeter follow her here. Here are here stats from twitter, 20,148 that’s a whole lot of tweets, I’m new to twitter and maybe one day I will be that high. Kudos to Peggy for getting information out there.
- 20,148 tweets ·
- Following 4,730 others
Besides having Peggy’s Pet Place blog she has her own website which you can check out here. She has a beautifully laid out crisp clean website when all her publishing credits, when she will be speaking, a spot for her dogs, information on her books and media/press releases. Head on over and check it all out.
I haven’t gotten a chance yet to read all her posts on but I intend to, the first one I am going to start with is A Dog’s Noses Know How To Sniff Out Disease. I have a facebook friend that has a diabetic alert dog that can alert her when her glucose is too high or too low. Isn’t that amazing so I am real interested in this article. If you click on the above Guideposts link it will take you to all of Peggy’s stories.
Peggy has so much going on and she still finds time to enrich us with her blog a few times each week. I’ve enjoyed getting to know Peggy and will be following along in the future to see what she is going to write about. She is truly a beautiful inspiring woman.
Good luck to you Peggy in 2014, hugs to Kelly and Ike!
Thanks Pamela for pairing us together for my first Pet Blogger’s Gift Exchange.
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Some of the best gifts in life cost nothing and are simply an act of kindness. Mom’s dog Trine that passed on ten years ago is still in her heart. She has a photo album of her in the living room that she looks at often. She loves remembering all the special times with her even though she still tears up every time she thinks about her. Us doggies are special and bring so much joy to our humans. Have a beautiful day! Emma
I like the see beautiful bloghop very much, it’s interesting to read what kind of beautiful things other bloggers discovered.
Thank you for all the kind words you said, this is truly my favorite gift this holiday season!
I am moved to tears. I see beautiful in you. Thank you so much. Thank you so much for the ways you continue to create more beautiful in the world with your thoughts, actions and love. Thank you so much for seeing beautiful with us.
Two of the most Beautiful gifts ever! We will all miss Norman; he was such a funny guy. So glad you have tons of photos to remind you of him and the love he had for you. What you shared about Peggy was Beautiful too. More times than not, a kind word and a little extra support can be the best gift ever.
*Cairn cuddles*
That was beautiful, and you’re so lucky that you have photos and wonderful memories of Norman.
Golden LOVE Miss Lydia. We were so happy to discovered her site and connected with her. Love and Kindness such beautiful acts. Sending you Lots of Golden LOVE. Happy Seeing Beauty. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar n mom
I’m visiting from the See Beautiful hop and I’m so sorry for your loss. Norman is so handsome! I’m glad you have many photos and happy memories. Beautiful that you took time to shine a light on your friend Peggy.
I love that last photo of you and Norman….truly beautiful!
I am reading one of Peggy’s books now and enjoying it. I also read her Furry Little Secret story, and I did need Kleenex….it was wonderful!
Such a very beautiful blog post. I am so happy to have gotten to “know” you through your blog. You have such a kind and caring heart, and that really came through today.
What a lovely post! Love that picture of you and Norman. Peggy’s so great! We have gotten to know each other through reading each other’s books and through K9 Kamp and our canine cancer hop. She’s a wonderful person! So are you! 🙂
Can I steal your idea for the Pinterest board for my blogger exchange? That’s a great idea! Enjoyed your post and got some really good ideas from it! Thanks.
You sure can, I stole it from Pup Fan. Have fun with it!
Hi Y’all!
Friendship is a blessed gift that should never be given or taken lightly. Friendship costs nothing, but must always be treasured because true friendship is very rare.
Hawk aka BrownDog
That was so nice of Lydia to send you that bracelet. Love the picture of you and Norman. 🙂
My foster pup has kept me from making a timely visit. But reading your wonderful post about Peggy was well worth the wait. You really highlighted some of the wonderful things about her and her blog.
Thanks for putting so much effort into sharing compliments and encouragement Peggy’s way. You’ve been very generous in joining the Pet Blogger’s Gift Exchange.
Absolutely wonderful post about Peggy – her blog is truly one of my favorites and your post was a fantastic gift!
Beautiful post! I didn’t realize she had published so many books. I’m really interested in “dieting with my dog.”
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I genuinely value your work. Fantastic post.