This ‘N That Thursday

Today we are joining 2 Brown Dawgs & co-host Ruckus the Eskie for their This ‘N That Thursday’s blog hop!



This is what they have to say about the hop,

A little of this and a little of that and everything in between…
“This ‘N That Thursday is for anything you want! Maybe you want to post about unrelated topics, or each topic isn’t quite long enough to make up a whole post, or you have awards to share, or you have one long post…anything goes! So grab the button and join the hop!”

Thank you Playful Kitty

Thank you Playful Kitty

First off I am so behind on thanking my latest award person or rather Kitty’s. A big thank you goes out to Playful Kitty for nominating me for this fabulous award. Thank you so much I will proudly display it on my awards page. I just started following Playful Kitty and boy I have been missing a lot with the adventures of Cinco and Manna along with their mom Robin. They do some pretty great singing picture videos, love them so hop on over and say Hi!

The Rules of the Award can be found here.

Basically you need to thank the giver and put a link back to their site. Done

Nominate 15 bloggers for the award. I’ve given this award before so if you are visiting my blog and don’t have it grab the badge and join in the fun. 

List 7 things about myself. Here goes: 

1. I have a lot of DAA (Dumb Ass Attacks) and today I am up to #3700. I was using a scissors to dig out tea light candles to put in a container to melt them all down to make fire starters for the fireplace and I gouged my palm of my hand and blood every where’s. 

2. I love to take pictures of my gang and love to post them all up, I can never decide on which is the best one so you poor folks get to see them all.

3. I would sit in front of the computer doing stuff all day long every day if I could.

4. Even know I live in WI, I really don’t care for the cold weather and snow. The snow is pretty and all but I really can’t stand driving in it and being cold.

5. I’m not ready for Christmas, each year I think I am going to be more prepared and I’m not.

6. I send out 100 Christmas cards, my list gets bigger each year. I love friends!

7. I decorated for Christmas the first time in many years this year just so I could see Gman’s reaction to the tree and get Monday Mischief posts. 

Thank you again Playful Kitty for my award.

Glory had her own hunt on last Sunday morning you can read about it here. After her hunt we took the whole gang out to public land and tried to get our limit which is 2 roosters per person. We hunted for a hour and only came up with one bird. Glory did manage to find a frozen dead pheasant that some other hunter couldn’t find. She was proud as a peacock when she came running up to us. Here are the pictures from the one bird we did get.

Gambler the bird hog again.

Gambler the bird hog again.

Watcha doing with my bird?

Watcha doing with my bird?

Glory loving the bird!

Glory loving the bird!

A little of That

Check out my first Xmas present.

Check out my first Xmas present.

This thing sounds like a real bird.

This thing sounds like a real bird.

Christmas is less than a week away, look what we have been up to.

Whatcha got on your head Giblet?

Whatcha got on your head Giblet?

WTH photo bombing MK again...

WTH photo bombing MK again…

Whoops, I lost my hat.

Whoops, I lost my hat.

Whoopsie I lost my hat too....

Whoopsie I lost my hat too….

Might as well pick up the hats and get the hell outta here.

Might as well pick up the hats and get the hell outta here.

These horns give me a headache.

These horns give me a headache.

Hi Gman whatcha doing?

Hi Gman whatcha doing?

Stay tuned for more xmas photo shoot pictures.

So that wraps it up for today, why don’t you hop on over to 2 Brown Dawgs & co-host Ruckus the Eskie see what their up to and grab the badge and join the hopping fun!

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21 Replies to “This ‘N That Thursday”

  1. easyweimaraner

    It’s great to see your photos, Easy would like to sit with you together under the tree (even with antlers on his head). I hope your hand is ok soon. I did the same, but with a screwdriver. I’ve learnt that this thin tealight cups are perforated in zilch and a screwdriver can make a bad hole in the ball of the thumb :o)

    1. Sand Spring Chesapeakes

      Good to know someone else is out there like me and messes with tea light candles, should of just thrown them in the fire with the freaken plastic and metal on. I would love for you to come sit under the tree with me.

  2. FleaByte

    I love all of your photos. 🙂 Especially MK. And just seeing the word peacock reminded me that I dreamed about peacocks last night. Weird.

  3. 2browndawgs

    Thanks so much for joining TNT. You drive so far for work, I can understand why you would like driving in snow. I am not thrilled with winter either, but I like having all 4 seasons so I guess I have to put up with it. Beautiful pictures of hunting and I love all of the Christmas pictures. The series witht he antlers and hats are quite funny. 🙂

    1. Sand Spring Chesapeakes

      Thank you, I have even more photos to share so stay tuned. I really love fall and the fall colors and winter with snow makes for some really nice photos also I just hate to be cold. I am always freezing.

  4. Hawk aka BrownDog

    Hi Y’all!

    Oh what wonderful pics!

    Thanks for stoppin’ for a visit!

    Y’all come back now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

  5. Ruckus the Eskie

    Thank you for linking up to This ‘N That Thursday Blog Hop. WOW 100 christmas cards?! How do you do it? Do you write a whole bunch in each card as well? Also, congrats on the award! You deserve it

  6. Pingback: Follow-Up/FitDog Friday | Sand Spring Chesapeakes