This ‘N That Thursday

Today we are joining 2 Brown Dawgs & co-host Ruckus the Eskie  for their This ‘N That Thursday’s blog hop!
eskie_1_white this-n-that-3
This is what they have to say about the hop,

A little of this and a little of that and everything in between…

“This ‘N That Thursday is for anything you want!  Maybe you want to post about unrelated topics, or each topic isn’t quite long enough to make up a whole post, or you have awards to share, or you have one long post…anything goes!  So grab the button and join the hop!”
A little of This:
More frozen tundra snow fun pictures.
Gambler is my clown boy, I call him a cornball, a dork and a knob. Those are terms of endearment as daddy Norman was all of them too. There is just something about male dogs that I love so much and it is their clown like personality, they live life to the fullest and don’t look back. Here Gambler is being silly in the pampas grass.
What's this grass stuff?

What’s this grass stuff?

It's poking me in the mouth.

It’s poking me in the mouth.

Now you all must go!

Now you all must go!



These next pictures are from Tuesday when we had the fridged temps. Woke up to -16F.

It's not cold out here!

It’s not cold out here!

Are your feet cold Glory?

Are your feet cold Glory?

Glory you should have a jacket on when it is this cold out!

Glory you should have a jacket on when it is this cold out!

The flying Gman.

The flying Gman.

Flying the other way.

Flying the other way.

Flying back again but not as high.

Flying back again but not as high.

I don't need no stinkin jacket!

I don’t need no stinkin jacket!

Just give me a ball and I'm happy.

Just give me a ball and I’m happy.

A little of That:
MK and Gman have the best seats in the house.

MK and Gman have the best seats in the house.

I want to give a hugh shout out to the team at BlogPaws.

Who should attend BlogPaws 2014? BlogPaws conferences deliver educational sessions on topics ranging from finding content for your blog, to search engine optimization (SEO), to turning your blog into a business or a book, to holding fundraising events to using specialized contest apps on Facebook, and much more. While a majority of the attendees publish about — or in some cases AS their pets — the topics apply broadly to anyone who wants to learn more about effective use of social media and blogging.


Thank you so much BlogPaws for including Norman’s picture along with Who should attend BlogPaws. This was a complete surprise when I opened my BlogPaws emailed newsletter and saw Norman first thing. He melts my heart so I hope he gets the word out and you all get over to BlogPaws and register for their 2014 conference in Las Vegas.

So that wraps it up for today, why don’t you hop on over to 2 Brown Dawgs & co-host Ruckus the Eskie see what their up to and grab the badge and join the hopping fun!

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16 Replies to “This ‘N That Thursday”

  1. 2browndawgs

    Thanks so much for joining TNT. Those are fabulous pictures. We had to really limit the dogs’ time outside during the cold snap because of the windchill. It was terrible. Love that last picture of Glory…so beautiful. How nice to see that picture of Norman again. 🙂

  2. HuskyCrazed SibePage

    Oh wow Norman!!! Good for you getting your pic up there!!!
    BTW, that very first pic in this post, bahahaha!!! Absolutely adorabley hilarious!!! LOL!!!!!!
    Happy TNT !!
    ((Husky hugz))
    “Love is being owned by a husky”

  3. Ruckus the Eskie

    Yay Norman! Must be so amazing to see him first thing! Also, that grass series, made me laugh. IT’s very pokey indeed. Thanks for sharing this on This ‘N That Thursday blog hop!

  4. FleaByte

    Your dogs are so beautiful. I can’t believe they do so well in the cold! Looks like a good time was had by all. And congrats for making it to the BlogPaws media!

  5. Jan K

    Gambler certainly does look like a nut! That cold weather isn’t going to slow your dogs down. And good for you getting out there with your camera too!