This ‘N That Thursday~Turkey Day Edition


Today we are joining 2 Brown Dawgs & co-host Ruckus the Eskie  for their This ‘N That Thursday’s Thanksgiving Edition blog hop!
This is what they have to say about the hop,

A little of this and a little of that and everything in between…

“This ‘N That Thursday is for anything you want!  Maybe you want to post about unrelated topics, or each topic isn’t quite long enough to make up a whole post, or you have awards to share, or you have one long post…anything goes!  So grab the button and join the hop!”
Sand Spring Chesapeakes would like to wish each and everyone of you a Happy Thanksgiving!
The members would like to tell everyone what they are thankful this Turkey day.
MK here, I am thankful that brother Gambler broke my leg. That way I don’t have to live in the marsh and fend for myself. I have a cozy home that I live in now with constant food and pets and I get to sleep on the bed with two humans and 3 dogs. 
Nellie here, I am thankful for my daddy Norman god rest his soul. If it wasn’t for him I wouldn’t be here today. I was very blessed to have spent 9 years of my life watching and learning from him. He was my mentor, he had pretty big paws to fill but I think I’ve about filled them. 
Glory here, I am so thankful for grandpa Norman rest his loving soul, without him I wouldn’t of had my mom Nellie and hence I wouldn’t be here today. I am also thankful that I was the chosen one out of 4 girls. I don’t know what was so special about me but I’m sure glad they kept me. I have been so blessed to have many birds in my life already with many retrieves in Saskatchewan. Can’t beat that!
Gambler here, last but not least I also am so thankful for my daddy Norman. Even know he cracked my skull when I was a little puppy I am blessed to be alive today (I guess that is why I was so naughty to MK, I hope the cycle stops with her) and able to call him my dad. He was one special chessy and I hope one day I can be just like him. I am also so thankful that my mom and dad still have me. I’ve given them many reasons to send me to doggy jail and they still love me so for that I am ever so thankful and will try to be a good boy in the years to come. 
Hop on over to the other bloggers and see what they are up to this turkey day!
Thanks to 2 Brown Dawgs & co-host Ruckus the Eskie for this Thanksgiving Edition of TNT!

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22 Replies to “This ‘N That Thursday~Turkey Day Edition”

  1. Jan K

    Wow, you guys have had some scary adventures….I hope the cycle has ended now too, Mom and Dad probably don’t need any more of that kind of excitement! You all have a great, fun life and lots to be thankful for, including your great memories of Norman. Have a Happy Thanksgiving!

  2. easyweimaraner

    Have a wonderful Thanksgiving to you all, it’s the best to love each other. I also try to be a good boy, if you found out how to become a good guy, please give me a sign :o)

  3. Ruckus the Eskie

    What fun picture frames to include in this special post! Happy happy Norman!

    Thanks for hopping on to the Thanksgiving edition of This ‘N That Thursday! Hope you have lots of goods this holiday!

  4. Dogs N Pawz

    Love the pictures! Hope you guys have a Happy Thanksgiving and a great day! I feel so blessed to be your blog friend. You truly helped me through one of the roughest times I think I have ever had to go through! Thanks for being there and being my friend. Hugs!

    1. Sand Spring Chesapeakes

      Lisa, I am glad that blogging has brought us together. I was sorry I had to help you out during your rough time but I am glad I was here and was able to help. You are a wonderful person and I hope you and your gang have a great turkey day.

  5. Hawk aka BrownDog

    Hi Y’all!

    Such a beautiful Thanksgiving post! Hope y’all had a wonderful day! We did!

    Y’all come by now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

  6. Pingback: Follow-Up/FitDog Friday | Sand Spring Chesapeakes

  7. 2browndawgs

    Thanks so much for joining TNT. Love the post. The doggies and one marsh kitty have a lot to be thankful for. Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving. I am catching up after getting back from our cabin. Hubby had a shot at a big buck, but missed…darn he is still kicking himself….lol.