Thursday Barks And Bytes



The co-hosts for Barks And Bytes are Linda from 2browndawgs and Jodi from Heart Like A Dog.
The Barks:
On Black And White Sunday I showed you all this photo and asked what color you thought G$ and Nellie’s glasses were. I did this before I realized I already posted up the picture on instagram and the ones that saw it were nice enough not to guess. I have to plan out my posts better, lol!
DSC_0785 - Copy

$ is green, <3 is red?

–Wags (and purrs) from Life with Dogs and Cats

Those are so cute! I’m guessing the dollar sign ones are green (probably a bright lime green) and the heart ones must be red, or maybe pink.

goldenwoofs says:

Green and RED:-) Gotta find those for Sugar 🙂 Happy Sunday.

You all were right on the color of their shades. Sugar, I found them at the dollar store!


My pal Easy awarded Sand Spring Chesapeakes the Liebster Award on his Monday Mischief post. I want to give a hugh shout out to Easy to say thank you pal I will display the award proudly on my awards page. Thank you for thinking of us!

Here are the rules of the award:

1.  Thank the person who nominated you, and link back and recognize their blog in your post.  Thank you Easy
2.  Answer the ten questions posted by the blogger who nominated you! Will do
3.  Nominate ten other bloggers for the award.  Breaking the rules here, I’ve gotten this award before and passed it along before so I am leaving it open for anyone who hasn’t gotten this award to grab it and display it proudly on your blog.
4.  Create ten questions for your nominees to answer. Breaking the rules again.
5.  Notify your nominees via comment. And again. 

My questions:

1. What was the weirdest thingy you ever ate?

Rocky Mountain oysters…..(bull nuts) and let me tell you I will never get that drunk again!

2. Have you ever slept in a Howl-tel?

I slept in a howl-tel that a hoarder owned and you could hardly get past the newspapers in the office to get to the desk to pay. It was dirty and there was so much stuff in there it was unreal. She wouldn’t allow dogs in the room….I thought that was odd as my dogs were cleaner then her office and all her hoarding junk.

3. Do you have a favorite show in TV you could watch for ever and ever and ever and ever and ever?

NCIS, I can watch Mark Harmon over and over and over….so easy on the eyes!

4. Have you met a celebrity once in pawson (except yourself in the mirror of course lol)?

Why yes I have and I can proof it cuz I was on TV myself…a long time ago on a vacation to California my friends and I got tickets to the Jay Leno show and we were in the front row so when Jay came out we got to get up and shake his hand! There were four of us in line and it came down to having only 2 seats left to fill so my friend Becky and I went in and my other two friends had to sit outside and wait for us. Someone who had reserve seats didn’t show so we got their front row seats. It was a night to remember forever. 

5. Have you ever found a treasure or a thingy what was precious?

Yes my Norman.

6. If you could change one (in numbers 1) thing of the world, what would it be?

World peace, why can’t we all just get along?

7. Would you rather live in the boondocks or in a big city?

I’ve done both and I would do both again. Live half a year in the boondocks and half the year in a big city (is Milwaukee a big city???)

8. What are you doing when you can’t sleep at night?

Watching food network.

9. What’s your favorite song? The first one what comes in your head… now.

Metallica- Enter Sandman

10. Have you seen a phenomenon once like a total lunar eclipse or a fata morgana with your own eyes?

I seen a falling star and a shooting star does that count?

The Bytes:


Mia is growing like a weed she had her vet check up Wednesday and is doing really good, upto 13.5#.


If you haven’t already hop on over to Mollie and Alfie’s blog and bid on the really cool items they have to raise money for their friend Holly who lost her dog Mabel to bloat. I am donating a paracord cat collar and a paracord dog collar and leash.

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17 Replies to “Thursday Barks And Bytes”

  1. Jan K

    Congrats on your award! I enjoyed your answers to the questions, very interesting (and I love NCIS too). I appreciate the fact that you broke the rules, since I always do that too! It’s so hard to pick just 10 blogs to pass them on to, and it’s all just for fun anyway, right?
    Need to go check on the auction now and see if I’ve been outbid on anything! 🙂

  2. easyweimaraner

    I love your answers, OMG bull nuts? hahahaha Maybe it was good that the dogs didn’t have to sleep at Mrs. Flodders Howl-tel :o) My mom likes Mark Harmon too, sadly we are one season behind the US at NCIS :o( and yes! Norman was a treasure, that’s for sure. He was THE ONE. If I would watch food network at night I would storm the fridge lol

  3. Jenna,Mark “HuskyCrazed” Drady

    I placed a bit on your items the other day! I should go back and check to see what it is up to now though! That pup sure is growing fast!!! That’s great! Such a cutie! Fun little contest you had with the sunglasses. I said the glasses were pink BOL!!!! Oops! ah well!
    Congrats on your award!!!! Very well deserving!
    ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!

  4. Hawk aka BrownDog

    Hi Y’all!

    Congratulations! Love your answers…though being pawed don’t know too much about NCIS or your song. Actually, I know nothing, absolutely nothing.

    Y’all come by now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

  5. Jodi

    UGH, we stayed at a motel once where the bed sagged in the middle, the dial off the phone was broken off, I felt dizzy when I walked into the room and when I got up, there was a bug in the bed. It was disgusting.

    Thanks for joining the blog hop!