Training in Pink

Here are my pictures of my running Gambler this weekend in a senior test setup. We trained at our trainers property which is in Sheboygan Falls. He had a client coming to watch her dog run and she is going thru breast cancer so he asked if I could wear my Pink. I surely did as I will support anyone going thru cancer. I wore my Pink shirt and Pink laynard that I got from the Pink Whistle Society a group that supports breast cancer research and when you buy a laynard from them they will donate some of the proceeds to breast cancer research. Here is the link to that group:

Gambler had a great day for not doing anything for the past 2 weeks as it was too hot to train. We were also concentrating on getting his Junior Hunter and Started title so we just focused on single marks. Well we are moving up and we are now working on double marks, being steady, diversions, honoring and decheating. So much to work on for this next level of hunt test training. We are hoping he will be ready by the end of July to run his first senior test.

2 Replies to “Training in Pink”

  1. 2browndawgs

    I have seen those pink whistles. What a great way to show support. I like that last picture and how intense Gambler looks. Sounds like it was a good training day.