We Remember 9/11 Posted on September 11, 2016 by Sand Spring Chesapeakes We are joining Dachshund Nola & Sugar The Golden Retriever for the Black and White Sunday Blog Hop. Share this:FacebookEmailPrintTwitterLinkedInPinterestLike this:Like Loading... Related
Emmadog September 11, 2016 at 9:57 am My mom remembers. She was living in Germany at the time and was watching CNN. I was born on this day five years later – a sign good things can happen even on a day of tragedy.
M. K. Clinton September 11, 2016 at 10:21 am Since my mom and brother live in New York City, it remains one of the scariest and worst days that I can remember.
easyweimaraner September 11, 2016 at 11:42 am we never forgot and we do all that it never happens again…
Tails Around the Ranch September 11, 2016 at 11:30 pm We weep this day every year and remember all who died, be they 2 or 4 legged. ????????
Jan K September 13, 2016 at 3:22 pm That is a beautiful tribute. Everything about 9/11 just makes me cry.
My mom remembers. She was living in Germany at the time and was watching CNN. I was born on this day five years later – a sign good things can happen even on a day of tragedy.
Since my mom and brother live in New York City, it remains one of the scariest and worst days that I can remember.
we never forgot and we do all that it never happens again…
Beautiful tribute <3
We weep this day every year and remember all who died, be they 2 or 4 legged. ????????
That is a beautiful tribute. Everything about 9/11 just makes me cry.