Welcome Home Riggs
Riggs was born 7/11/15. He is a Glory and Thunder (2browndawgs) puppy.
When we sell a litter of puppies the new owners have to sign a contract. The contract goes over various items. In the contract we have a statement that says:
- If this puppy cannot be kept for any reason, the Buyer agrees to give the seller the first opportunity to take the dog back or find it a good home. Buyer agrees to supply and transfer all corresponding registration papers at the time of delivery. It will be up to the Seller if any money will be refunded if the dog is given back to the Seller. Should the dog be sold elsewhere or ownership transferred from original buyer, this contract would become void (this contract is non-transferable).
We have this in our contract so we can know what is and will be happening with our puppies. We hope that the new owners will be able to give said puppy a life long home but sometimes we understand that isn’t a possibility and we want to be able to help out the new owners by taking the puppy back regardless of age and decide where and what will happen to said puppy. We want to look out for said puppy and make sure it doesn’t end up in a shelter or a home that isn’t right for them. We feel this is an important part of being a breeder. We brought these puppies into this world We feel we have responsibility for them for their whole life whether they live with us or not.
Due to unforeseen circumstances Riggs family couldn’t keep him any longer so last Wednesday Riggs came home to Sand Spring Chesapeakes. We were happy to have him back home. Guilty was the first one to meet Riggs and they loved each other, they ran, ran and ran some more. Riggs listened so well when outside running around. He isn’t a dominate dog, he goes with the flow and nothing seems to bother him.
Riggs is 80# and he thought he should be a lap dog when it came to his first mom and dad. He is super cuddly. Of course while he was staying with us for a few days I had to take some Christmas photos.
Riggs was such a ham for all his pictures. He sat so well (of course lots of treats were had)Â and looks so happy in all his photos. You will notice that there are no pictures of Riggs and Gambler together. As you know if you have been following me Gambler is intact as I use him for stud service. Riggs is intact as well. I didn’t want anything to happen to either dog as I didn’t know how they would be with each other as when Gambler is around other intact males he has a sever case of short man syndrome and he has to walk around on his tippy toes and growl as he rubs his side along the other dog. After a couple of days I finally took a chance and introduced Riggs and Gambler. It went just like I thought with Gambler as he did his short man act and Riggs he could of cared less. He looked at him and then walked or ran off and played with the girls. He paid no never mind to Gambler which was great!
We decided since Riggs is still intact we are going to leave him that way for a bit and see how he turns out. I already can see how handsome he is, I know about his clearances with DM and PRA, so if his other clearances turn out and I can get s show title on him as well as some field titles he maybe added to our breeding program. Since we will be leaving him intact and we have Gambler living at our house we are going to co-own Riggs with John’s lifelong friend Roger that lives right across the pasture from us. He actually lives next to our pond so Riggs will have a whole pond to himself until my gang runs down there and joins in on the fun. I don’t want to have to separate the males so Riggs will be in a house by himself to get all the attention and not have to deal with Gambler. This is going to be such a great arrangement as when it comes spring time we will have an extra person to throw birds for us and another Sand Spring dog to train and run competitions with. My puppy is back home to stay and I couldn’t be happier.
His former peoples did such a great job with his upbringing and health and I thank them for that. I’m sorry they couldn’t keep him anymore and hope they know he will be in great hands and they are welcome anytime to visit.
This is what a great breeder does-
Watch over their progeny forever.
I am happy for Riggs that he had you to come home to.
Merry Christmas
He looks really great. You are such a great breeder.
It is always sad when people can’t keep their dog, but good breeders do take them back and that is the right thing to do.
A great shame Riggs couldn’t stay with his peeps as they seem to have done so well by him. Well done for taking him back and keeping all his options open.
Welcome back, handsome boy! And kudos to the Sand Springs folks for being so responsible. We wish him loads of happy smiles while he’s with you. Guilty will have a new pleasure of running and chasing a brother.
Riggs is gorgeous! I am so happy that he is home!
I love that you do that for your puppies, and that it is a lifelong agreement. It sounds like this arrangement will work out great, and how fun for you to have another of your pups so close by! Riggs really is such a handsome guy, and I loved all the family photos!
Riggs is adorable!
Things happened just as they were supposed to! Welcome home Riggs!!!
I am so happy that Riggs will be close to you. It is such a great clause in the contract and I’m glad they followed through with it.
Welcome home Riggs! I almost couldn’t recognize you when you took pictures with you mom and half sister haha. Always stay strong and energetic!
Hugs to you for having such a statement in your contracts… life sometimes happens and this year was not good for so much people&pets, so I’m so glad that Riggs has a home now at Sandspring Manor … welcome home Riggs!!!!
Oh, that’s too bad they couldn’t keep him, but he sure looks happy to be back! What a happy guy!! Love him!
I’m glad his last home took such good care of him. He looks like he has had a lot of love and some training, he is just such a Happy boy. I’m glad you have that in your contract. My Newf breeder also has a very similar clause; that if for any reason you can’t keep them she will take them back. That way you know they are well taken care of:)