Welcome To The World Little Puppers

Saturday was a big day here at Sand Spring Chesapeakes. It was the day we would be welcoming Glory and Bears puppies into this world via a planned csection. If your my Facebook friend you got to see the live feeds of the procedure. If not I will be doing some blog posts on the experience.

Glory was ready to have the pups enter this world.

The csection went great, no problems at all. 9 little puppers were born.

Glory was so alert after surgery, she woke up really fast and the puppers all got to nurse at the clinic.

The niners are adjusting well to their new life at Stancerville.

We couldn’t be more proud of Glory she is a wonderful mom and we have 9 precious little lives we get to care for before they go to their new homes in April.

9 Replies to “Welcome To The World Little Puppers”

  1. Princess Leah

    Gosh, you are gonna have your paws full with those bundles of cuteness
    Loves and licky kisses
    Princess Leah xxx

  2. Emmadog

    That’s a lot of little ones! Congratulations, Glory! Too bad there were not more girls, but if they are all healthy, that is the main thing.