What Do Vet Techs Really Do?

What Do Vet Techs Really Do?

Most of you who read my blog know that I am a Veterinary Technician if you are just joining in today I currently am employed at a small animal clinic in south eastern Wisconsin. I have been a Veterinary Technician for 25 years with 13 of those years being at my current job. I’m not a hoarder but I always have a few animals living with me. I have one cat MK who I saved from the brink of death because of my dog Gambler a Chesapeake Bay Retriever who are now best buds. I have 2 other Chesapeake Bay Retrievers Nellie and Glory (mom and daughter), Glory who is expecting a litter of puppies in less than 3 weeks. I have a pen full of chickens, ducks and pheasants. I couldn’t see myself in any other career.

Andrea from veterinarytechnicianguide.com  sums up the life of a Veterinary Technician really well through this infographic.

What Do Vet Techs Really Do?

If you would like to read the details of each of their points in this infographic you can do so by clicking here. If you would like to read more about A Veterinary Technician & Veterinary Assistant career guide you can do so by clicking here.


12 Replies to “What Do Vet Techs Really Do?”

  1. Dogs N Pawz

    Great info! I think vet techs and vets are very special people. I wanted to be a vet when I was growing up but didn’t think I could handle euthanizing an animal! I’m too emotional!

  2. Cathy Connolly

    Many people don’t realize just how important our furkids vet techs really are to our pets and us. To me, having a very special friend who is a vet tech. they are the nurses. Frontline, doing the most for their patients and their families. I also think it takes a very special kind of person to do the job and to do it with love and kindness. Bless you JoAnn for what you do for you patients and their families~

  3. Will and Eko

    Vet techs, like nurses, are the boots on the ground, doing some of the toughest work. Great vet techs make everything better, even (or especially) at 4:50 on a Friday.

  4. M. K. Clinton

    I so admire the people that choose to go into the veterinarian field. It is something that I considered, but realized that I would not be very good at it.

  5. Jan K

    I love what you do…vet techs are great! The ones at our vet’s office are one thing that keeps us going there…they are the best.

  6. Sue

    Great infographic. Though I like our vet, I love one of his two vet techs – and so do my dogs. Without her we would probably change vets!

  7. Andrea

    Thank you all for your positive comments! There is no question having a good vet tech and a vet in general can make all the difference in a pet’s life (and pet parent’s too!).

    JoAnn, thank you for taking the time to share this post I loved reading your intro! 🙂

  8. Hawk aka BrownDog

    Hi Y’all!

    One day I went for a vet appointment and a new assistant came out to get me. I was so used to the girl that had always been there that I didn’t want to go. They had to push my butt to get me into the back with the new girl.

    We notice you. Get comfy with you. You hug us, kiss us and give us treats. Havin’ the same tech is very reassuring to us, or at least to me.

    Y’all come on by,
    Hawk aka BrownDog