Who’s That Wackadoodle?



IMG_0075 - CopyFor the past 5 day’s I’ve been enjoying my vacation with my friends in Maryland. I’ve been having a little fun while I was there too. Here are a few photos from my trip, will post up more later.

black and white

We are joining Dachshund Nola & Sugar The Golden Retriever for the Black and White Sunday Blog Hop.

11 Replies to “Who’s That Wackadoodle?”

  1. M. K. Clinton

    Those photos are the BEST! It looks as if you are having a great time. Thanks for putting the term ‘wackadoodle’ back into my vocabulary. ☺

  2. dogdaz

    Were you on the Eastern Shore? I love that chicken and have always wanted to buy him at that place on the side of Route 50.