Woods Walk~FitDog Friday

We’ve been trying to get out more often now that the polar vortex shifted and the days are warmer. I’ve been taking the dogs for walks in the marsh/woods/creek. This allows them to run at their leisure in the wide open spaces and then when at the creek they have to go up and down the banks, there are trees that are down so they either have to jump over them or crawl under them so they get their workout that way too.


The fun and games continue every Friday with FitDog Friday, the weekly Blog Hop brought to you by To Dog With LoveSlimDoggy and Emma from Mygbgvlife to promote a healthy active lifestyle for pets (and their people, too!). Join in every Friday by linking up your FitDog story or visiting the blogs in the Hop.

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13 Replies to “Woods Walk~FitDog Friday”

  1. easyweimaraner

    Have you seen some wild animals? Or a Yeti? Oh boy! and you had a bath? I better crawl back under my blankie… we got 3.5 snow flakes today and that was enough for me to start my hibernation :o)

  2. Emmadog

    We are so disliking this winter, no fun! Now at least we are cold again so we can be out without being a mess of frozen muck! Looks like your crew had some nice fun.

  3. Jan K

    What a great workout they are getting, and it sure looks like they’re having a blast too! How cold is that water? You don’t worry about it being too cold for them? I guess I wouldn’t know what was too cold, since ours pretty much only swim in the summer!

  4. tylersat99

    Great pictures and it looks like they are having a great time. They do get a great work out on those walks, never underestimate the workout us humans get. We are on all those hills going across, up and down, done to the creek and across the rocks, up the other side. Sometimes I think we get a better workout than the dogs, and I love it :))