Word Cloud Fun And How To

This past weekend I found a cool easy to follow website that will make word clouds, the website is Tagul. Here are the word clouds I made using words to describe all my chessies.

Tagul - Word Cloud Art LogoHow to:

Go to Tagul website and click on CREATE NOW

Once you sign up (acct is free) you go to My Word Cloud Art and click on a already saved word cloud to change or create a new one.

Click on Import words on the left of screen.

Add words to the empty box, when finished click import words.

You can then change the size of the text which I do on the main word I want to emphasize. You can then choose to use all upper case letters, lower, ect . You can choose to repeat words.

You can use one of their stock images or you can add your own image which I did for the dog word clouds.

You can change fonts, layouts, colors and animations. If you want it to use the shape colors you click that box or you un click to pick your own colors .

Once done with your settings click on Visualize and it will show you a preview.

If your happy with it you can save changes and download to your computer or you can change things. Only certain things you can do in the download and share menu that are free, other things require a fee.

Have fun with your word clouds.

7 Replies to “Word Cloud Fun And How To”

  1. Emmadog

    We have done a couple word clouds, but good free places are hard to find. We will have to mark this one. Sometimes they are fun to do and really fit in nicely to a post.