Wordless Wednesday ~Keep Pet’s Cool

July is Blogpaws Pet Safety Month so make sure during the warm/hot weather to keep your pet’s cool and have lots of fresh water available to them.


Pet Safety

Wordless Wednesday ~Norman Update

Ok so today has a couple of words as I want all my blog friends to know how well Norman is doing since his osteosarcoma diagnosis June 5th. He is doing so well I can’t believe it. He is only on Rimadyl for pain relief and he has a small, small limp. He is happy and even gets rowdy at times. We went to the lake last week for a swim and he loved it! I hope we have many more months like this.


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23 Replies to “Wordless Wednesday ~Keep Pet’s Cool”

  1. 2browndawgs

    So happy that Norman is holding his own. Wonderful pictures and good advice. Our heat wave is supposed to break for Saturday. Too bad the Master test starts on Friday!

    1. Sand Spring Chesapeakes

      Our’s is Sat also. Keep cool on Friday. When it was really hot and we run hunt tests, we take the biggest cooler we have and fill it with cold water and the dogs would jump in it when done running and through out the day. Sometimes the club has a pool but not very often.

  2. Donna

    Great reminder to keep your dogs cool in this overbearing heat.

    And even greater to hear how well Norman is doing. 🙂

  3. Jackie Bouchard

    Nothing like a little water therapy! I hope you have many months like that too! I know you’ll be making the most of your time together. BIg hugs for Norman!

  4. prayingforoneday

    Good Blog!!
    We have all heard the HORROR stories of people leaving Dogs in their cars…
    I make sure, especially the last 2 weeks my Dog has cold water (We change the water every hour or so) in 2 or 3 places in the house and Garden

    Good blog!!