Wordless Wednesday~Give Cancer The Paw

Today I two blog hops in one. Give Cancer The Paw is a new blog hop, the host are Pooch Smooches and Peggy’s Pet Place.

This is what they have to say about the hop:

The hop will be quarterly. You can blog about anything you want related to pet cancer: a tribute to a lost pet, personal experiences, tips, research, words of support for a pet that’s fighting cancer – whatever you want!

For those of you who haven’t seen my posts before my Chesapeake Bay Retriever Norman who just turned 13 years old this past Sunday was diagnosed with osteosarcoma the beginning of June. We opt’ed not to amputate or do chemo therapy but to manage his pain with pain relievers. Being his age (12) at the time we didn’t think it was in his best interest to put him through that. He has been the best dog and gave so much of his life to us we wanted him to enjoy the remaining time he had left with all his legs. He was doing so well up until October. He has some bad days now. He is happy, alert, eats his meals and can be frisky at times. He is my life, this guy is my soulmate so I am having a hard time with the thought of having to say enough is enough and send him to the place where he will be pain free. Cancer sucks and for now we are kicking cancer to the curb and cherishing each moment we have together. We did a photo shoot the other day so here are some photos of Norman.





November also marks Pet Cancer Awareness month so how nice it is of our hosts to start this blog hop this month.

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Wordless Wednesday~Happiest Guy On Earth


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Wordless Wednesday is a community linkup of bloggers. Visit our host, BlogPaws, and you can use the icons below the post to hop from site to site. It is a great way to discover new blogs…..or even just a convenient way to find all of your favorites in one place. When you visit each site, be sure to leave a comment and let them know you found them through Wordless Wednesday.

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29 Replies to “Wordless Wednesday~Give Cancer The Paw”

  1. Donna and the Dogs

    I think you’ve been handling Norman’s cancer with a big heart and making sure he has plenty of happy days with you. He looks so very happy in the photos from your shoot. Keep on giving cancer the paw!

  2. Miss Harper Lee

    That smile on Norman’s face is priceless. Your heart is leading you in all the right directions for him. Like Donna and the Dogs said, keep on giving caner the paw!

  3. Jackie Bouchard

    The look on Norman’s face in all the pictures shows that he is still loving life. What a happy and gorgeous boy he is. I hope you’ll have a lot more time together. I know all too well how hard it is when your heart-dog has bone cancer. Keep giving cancer the paw!! Thanks for joining our hop!

  4. Peggy's Pet Place

    Norman is beautiful. That last picture would make a gorgeous Christmas card. It sounds like you are handling his cancer in a way that is best for him. I know you will enjoy every moment you have together. Thank you for joining our Give Cancer the Paw hop.

  5. FleaByte

    I saw your Facebook posts this morning. I’m so sorry, JoAnn. I’m glad I found your blog while Norman was still up and running. He was a handsome old man. (((HUGS)))

  6. Andrea

    Norman doesn’t seem to know he has cancer. I’m so sorry that he’s feeling poorly and hope his last days with you are good.

  7. Hawk aka BrownDog

    Hi Y’all,

    My Human is crying for you. So happy you shared with your readers these special photos and moments you spent with Norman. Since my Human doesn’t seem to ever have time to go to FB to help me keep up with my own posts there, we got the news this morning from the 3 browndawgs.
    Lots of hugs, licks and snuggles, but my Human says nothing will ease your pain.

    Hawk aka BrownDog

  8. Emmadog

    We just heard about Norman over at 2 brown dogs, so sorry for your loss. We know first hand how hard it is to lose a family member like him. Our thoughts and prayers are with you. That was awesome that you did the photo shoot, something you will always have to remind you of him.

  9. Pingback: Follow-Up Friday/FitDog | Sand Spring Chesapeakes

  10. Pingback: Give Cancer The Paw~Lymphoma | Sand Spring Chesapeakes