Wordless Wednesday~Pink Bumper And Snow




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19 Replies to “Wordless Wednesday~Pink Bumper And Snow”

  1. Emma

    Nice to see a pink bumper for a change! We aren’t hunters like that, so we don’t know why they are usually orange or black, but pink is much more fashionable!

  2. Robin

    That looks like a really great game you have going on there! That pink bumper really stands out in the snow. Looks like everyone was having fun 🙂

    Note: Playful Kitty has moved to http://www.playfulkitty.net . You can still follow using your WordPress.com reader, but you need to stop by and click the little blue button on the side bar. Thank you!

  3. Hawk aka BrownDog

    Hi Y’all!

    A great photo of sun and shadow in the snow!

    Y’all come by now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog