Wordless Wednesday~World Epilepsy Awareness Day


Purple Day™ March 26 – A World Day for Epilepsy Awareness

The Sand Spring gang is joining our pal Lewis for Epilepsy Awareness day. This is a awareness day for people and pets. 


Kick Epilepsy to the curb Lewis and keep fighting that fight. Here’s to many seizure free days ahead. 

Gambler wears purple today in honor of his pal Lewis.

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19 Replies to “Wordless Wednesday~World Epilepsy Awareness Day”

  1. Frankie and Ernie

    WAY too many of our Blogville Furends suffer visits from the Seizure Monster. Let’s STOMP him out.

  2. easyweimaraner

    Gambler you look great! And I will wear purple today too. We should show epilepsy the paw! I wish tons of power for all peeps&pets and I send a bucket of healing thoughts over to your pal Lewis.

  3. Jan K

    Very nice….I didn’t know about this day. I have a niece with epilepsy. Also, our golden Moses used to have seizures, though he was never bad enough to have to go on medication. I can imagine how difficult it must be to have to deal with them all the time.

  4. mollieandalfie

    My collar is purple, now this is strange you post this, we were talking about doing an auction sometime to raise money for these charities 🙂 xxoxxxx

    Mollie and Alfie

  5. Hawk aka BrownDog

    Hi Y’all!

    Epilepsy is scary. Hope they find a cure!

    Y’all come by now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

  6. pawedblog

    Aww Gamble, that’s perfect! Thanks for spreading the word, we didn’t know about this day over here. Here’s to finding a cure!!
    Hugs, Carrie (Myfie, Ellie and Millie) x

  7. Cathy Connolly

    Whata guy Gambler looking GOOD, hopefully someday soon they will be better able to help all those that suffer from this. Got my purple going on, my favorite color too 🙂