30th Annual WI Dog Fair

November 4th, 2018 marked the 30th anniversary of the Badger Kennel Club WI Dog Fair. As the ACC WI Regional Director I had a booth and represented the Chesapeake Bay Retriever along with my pals Tom and Willow Pawlisch who have attended for the past 2 years.

Once again we had a great time representing the breed. Gambler and Glory were the chosen ones to attend and be the chessie ambassadors.

Our booth.

Many thanks to Tom and Willow for helping out during the day.


Gambler was handing out kisses.

He only made .25 cents as Willow was the only one to pay. All the other people’s got free kisses and many of them.

Tom did an excellent job talking Chessie talk with the kids. He had four families that the kids attend his middle school attend the dog fair.

Bruce had a wonderful Boykin booth this year, he educated the peoples on the “mini chessie”.

CRROW – Chesapeake Retriever Rescue Of Wisconsin had their booth once again at the dog fair. Founder Sue along with Rolaine, Kathy with Zara and first time attender Anne with Chico helped out in the CRROW booth. They talked about the rescue group and had the people and kids smiling with their costumes.

The day was long, many people came by to ask questions and pet the dogs, many dogs walked pass and snuck in a sniff and Gambler took it all in with ease.

This picture was taken at the end of the day.

Another great event is in the books!

Here is the picture and write up I did for the next ACC bulletin:

For the 4th year in a row since I have been the WI Regional Director for the ACC I have set up a booth representing the Chesapeake Bay Retriever at the Wisconsin Dog Fair. November 4th, 2018 marked the 30th anniversary for the Badger Kennel Club hosting this event. Over 100 breeds are showcased during the day along with demonstrations, guest speakers, vendors and rescue groups. This year there were 4 Chesapeake’s attending, Gambler and Glory represented the breed booth along with JoAnn, Tom and Willow Pawlisch. Anne Nicholson with Chico and Kathy Ebben with Zara helped out in the CRROW – Chesapeake Retriever Relief Of Wisconsin booth. They spread the word about the Chessie’s in need that are looking for their forever homes. Sue Kersten is the founder of CRROW and we here in WI give a big shout out to her for all that she does for the breed. It’s at events like this that we can educate potential owners so hopefully there will be less dogs in rescue. It was a fun filled day because what’s not fun about talking about and showing off the breed that you are passionate about. Photo – left to right Anne, Chico, Kathy (taking photo), Zara, JoAnn, Gambler, Willow, Tom and Glory.
Many thanks for everyone’s help, JoAnn Stancer, ACC WI Regional Director, Cambria, WI.

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