Bring On The Puller Fun~FitDog Friday

While John is spending time with Gambler at the hunt tests on the weekends I make sure I take the girls to the lake for some swim time fun. Glory needs to keep exercising while she is pregnant and Nellie needs to keep exercising as she is older and swimming is easier on her joints. I took The Puller toy with me this day and they had a blast!


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19 Replies to “Bring On The Puller Fun~FitDog Friday”

  1. kimberlygauthier

    We currently have 10 Puller rings (1 is missing, but I’m determined to find it this weekend). We’ve lost 5 total and I’m convinced that the coyotes are taking them.

    Our dogs love their Puller rings and demand to play with them daily. It’s hilarious and fun and tossing them and running around with our dogs is helping me get in shape too 🙂

  2. Jan K

    Those photos are so great…they really are having fun! I’ll have to take the Puller to the water sometime too for Sheba and Luke.

  3. tylersat99

    Keep swimming and having a great time girls that’s the best thing you can do. Except for getting a good night’s sleep to be ready to enjoy tomorrow.