PSI’s Take Your Dog To Work Day June 26th 2015


Nurse Glory helping out at work today. (ok you got me this was a photo from last year, she isn’t this small right now)

Yes yes I know today isn’t June 26th, 2015 tomorrow is but it’s today that I’m taking my dog to work so I’m participating in PSI’s Take Your Dog To Work Day early. PSI stands for Pet Sitters International.

Taken from their website.

Founded by pet-sitting industry pioneer and author of Pet Sitting for Profit Patti J. Moran, Pet Sitters International (PSI) is the world’s largest, most-trusted educational association for professional pet sitters.

PSI’s 2015 Take Your Dog To Work Day®
History & F.A.Q.s

  • TYDTWDay® was first celebrated in 1999. This year marks the 17th annual event.
  • It was created by Pet Sitters International (PSI) to celebrate the great companions dogs make and promote their adoptions.
  • The event encourages employers to experience the joys of pets in the workplace for one day to support their local pet community.
  • TYDTWDay is an annual event and is always celebrated on the Friday following Father’s Day.
  • It also accommodates cat lovers (and other pets) and those who cannot participate on TYDTWDay. The entire week leading up to the event, June 22-26, is Take Your Pet To Work Week™.
  • Event creator PSI is the world’s largest educational association for professional pet sitters. For any day pets can’t be at work, pet owners can search PSI’s Official Pet Sitter Locator free-ofcharge to find a local professional pet sitter.
  • PSI feels that through the events, non-pet owners are able to witness the special bond their coworkers have with their pets firsthand and be encouraged to adopt a new best friend of their own.
  • An estimated 300 businesses participated in the inaugural celebration of TYDTWDay. Since that time, America’s love affair with pets and interest in TYDTWDay has grown to an all-time high.
  • PSI does not track the day’s participation rates because companies are not required to register in order to participate. However, the association’s tracking tools indicate that overall involvement around the event grows each year, with hundreds of thousands of visitors exploring each year.
  • You can follow TYDTWDay on Facebook and Twitter.

I am lucky that I work in a Veterinary Clinic so I get to take my dog(s) to work with me when they aren’t sick or when they are sick they get to come to work with me instead of me having to take off work from another job (like I would ever work at a different job) to take my dog to the vet. Today I am bringing Glory to work with me to have her examined and make sure she is right on track with her pregnancy. I really want to know how much she weighs and possibly have a xray taken to see if we can see and skeletons to count to know how many puppies she might be having. Now don’t be getting all excited that you might be knowing how many puppies she will be having. I’m saving that information for a later date. Coming up there will be a contest on how many puppies Glory and Thunder from 2browndawgs will be having and how many of each sex so stay tuned!

Norman was a great helper at work when he got to go.

Norman was like the Walmart Greeter he would read the news to the people waiting in the waiting room.

So grab your dog and take your dog to work day tomorrow!


We are joining Linda at 2browndawgs and Jodi at Heart Like A Dog for this great blog hop.

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13 Replies to “PSI’s Take Your Dog To Work Day June 26th 2015”

  1. easyweimaraner

    I agree, you probably hit the jackpot on that front… I only work at home and Easy’s dad said: heavens, NOOOOO… so Easy cant join the working crew :o) I hope efurrything is fine with mom Glory :o)

  2. Frankie and Ernie

    OMD OMD we ADORE the pics of the Take your Dog to work day…. no matter WHEN they were taken… they are SUPER… Love Nurse Glory…

  3. Jodi

    I am SO NOT good at counting beans in a jar. LOL I will do my best though.

    I wish I could take my dogs to work, I have a lot of freedom and flexibility with my job but rarely do I get to bring my dogs to work. Of course, if the boss isn’t in and doesn’t know…well, no harm, no foul, right? 😉

    Thanks for joining the blog hop!

  4. Jan K

    I only work out of the home part time so the dogs are at work with me a lot of the time! I was still thinking about taking one to the store tomorrow, but haven’t decided for sure yet. You’re lucky you can take yours anytime.
    The contest sounds like fun!

  5. Emmadog

    We used to go to work in Germany, here we sometimes go with Mom if she goes to the office, but only one of us at a time. Normally, we all work happily from home.

  6. M. K. Clinton

    We work from home and the boys both have beds on either side of my desk with a view out the front window. They have gotten so used to us being around, Bentley whines when one of use leaves. #SpoiledRotten I’m excited to guess puppy count and sex. ☺

  7. 2 Brown Dawgs

    LOL what fun. I am sure Glory is really happy with you sharing her weight. 🙂 It is getting closer to Glory’s date. I am excited. Thanks for joining the hop!

  8. Tails Around the Ranch

    You are so blessed you can bring your guys to work with you. Sadly that “Take your Dog to Work” memo never reached our slumlord, er I mean building manager. That would mean people were having fun and we can’t have that. Can’t wait for the contest and the pitter-patter of tiny little paws. 🙂 Happy weekend!