Cinco de Mayo~Mexican Gman And MK

Happy Cinco de Mayo everyone. Today Gambler and MK wanted to join in on the Mexican festivities.

I wonder who will look good in this Mexican hat or who would be dumb enough to wear it?

I wonder who will look good in this Mexican hat or who would be dumb enough to wear it?

Gambler the Mexican Taco Bell impostor.

Gambler the Mexican Taco Bell impostor.

Gambler I knew you would wear the hat!

Gambler I knew you would wear the hat, now lets get this party started!

Oh boy we've had to much tequila!

Oh boy we’ve had to much tequila!

All that's left of this party is a cat that ate the worm and Gman's balls.

All that’s left of this party is a cat that ate the worm and Gman’s balls.

Hope you all have a festive day!

13 Replies to “Cinco de Mayo~Mexican Gman And MK”

  1. Elaine

    Haha! Thanks for getting my morning started off with a laugh. Those pictures are hilarious and MK demonstrated perfectly the different between dogs and cats, lol!