Conformation Lesson Mischief

The sisters Josey and Preacher are entered in an upcoming UKC conformation show on November 7th. I have shown Glory and Gambler in UKC conformation so I’m a little familiar with it. I took formal conformation classes back in the day of 2001 when Norman was a wee pup but haven’t taken formal classes since. What I have learned I learned from my friends and at the show. Josey’s dad wanted to try his hand in showing Josey so I told him I would come over and help teach him the basic ropes. The pups are going to only be 4 months old so this won’t count towards their title it will be just practice for us and for the pups. DSC_0682I am not a professional trainer, I just play one on TV! DSC_0680Much better gait, you can go a little faster.DSC_0695Teaching the “stack”. The stack is how you set your dog up to have the judge look at them to access their conformation.DSC_0696You are doing very well grasshopper! More like the blind leading the blind but hey it’s all about getting out there and having fun. DSC_0702Photobomb Willow!!!

When you show you want to “bait” the dog with some of their favorite food, to get them to stop and focus on you will the judge looks at them. Today we used some moist dog treats. Rizzo the rat terrier thought he needed some treats, so it was how high can Rizzo jump to get the treats.DSC_0703Hey lady give me the treat!DSC_0705I said give me the treats!DSC_0706Quit gabbing and give me the treats!DSC_0707Geez lady what do I have to do to get a treat?DSC_0711Oh hi Rizzo, would you like a treat?DSC_0712Yes, yes, yes give me the treat!

monday mischief

This is a Blog Hop. Thanks to Alfie’s BlogSnoopy’s Dog Blog , Luna, a Dog’s Life , and My Brown Newfies for setting up this hop. Please go to any of the sponsoring blogs to find out who else has been mischievous.

15 Replies to “Conformation Lesson Mischief”

  1. Emmadog

    Since when do Kangaroos enter conformation training??? 😉 What a funny fellow! We don’t show, so none of that training stuff for us, but we will take the treats.

    1. Sand Spring Chesapeakes Post author

      Hi Dolly, I think of that happening to me each time I go hunting lucky so far it hasn’t happened. Have a great night.

    2. 2 Brown Dawgs

      My hubby hunts with safety on and unloads the gun any time he sets it down or hands it to me to hold. Yep sometimes you miss a bird because you can’t get the safety off in time, but it is not worth risking injury. Indiana woman is paying for not being safe.