Distractions~FitDog Friday

This past week the SS gang worked on distractions during blind work. Distractions can be holding blinds used to hide the person planting the blind, holding blinds used to hide the people throwing the marks, they can be decoys near the line of the blind and it can be a duck thrown in the area of the blind so the dog has to go through that old scent. All which can cause a problem for young or advanced dogs. Gambler had worked on this last year as he was running master level tests where you mostly see these distractions. Glory was running seniors so she hasn’t seen too much of this so it was time to start training her in it.

Gambler starts today:

Heading out past the snow geese decoys to the blind.

Picking up the duck at the blind.

Heading back with the duck from the blind.

Getting closer.


Taking off.

I gotta get there fast.


Next blind retrieve Gambler had to pick up a bumper.

Bringing it back.

Good boy.

MK supervising the training session.

After Gambler was done John said “go get mom” and this is his face charging me on the ground.

Glory’s turn:

Getting ready.

Taking off.

Motoring out.

Glory got sucked into the snow geese decoys, she wanted to go check them out, she got told to sit.

Right hand turn.

Coming back.

Next the holding blind distracted Glory.

Getting Glory to get away from the holding blind.

Bringing the bumper back.

Good girl.


The fun and games continue every Friday with FitDog Friday, the weekly Blog Hop brought to you by To Dog With LoveSlimDoggy and Emma from Mygbgvlife to promote a healthy active lifestyle for pets (and their people, too!). Join in every Friday by linking up your FitDog story or visiting the blogs in the Hop.

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12 Replies to “Distractions~FitDog Friday”

  1. Beth

    Oh boy! Barley would never have survived the decoys–her grandpa used to have her help him herd the Canada geese out of his old yard, so she gets very excited about geese, probably even fake ones. I love the picture of MK! What a good coach 🙂