Double Senior, Double Pass

This past weekend John and Guilty ran a AKC double Senior Test put on by Fox Valley Retriever Club. One Senior was run on Saturday and one was run on Sunday. The weather was hot, low 90. The judges put on a fair test with the heat and dogs in mind.

Second senior pass.

In a senior test their is a walk up and a honor in one of the series. You need to compete a double land retrieve and then a blind retrieve in order to move on to the water marks and blind. If you fail land you do not get to run the water. Guilty did real well and received a pass. Saturday’s judges were Dick Andrews and William Resch.

Third senior pass.

Sunday John and Guilty received their third senior pass. She needs one more pass for her title. She is entered in a test in two weeks. Sunday’s judges were Chip Melnar and John Pena.

Thanks to Fox Valley Retriever Club for hosting a great weekend.

5 Replies to “Double Senior, Double Pass”

  1. M. K. Clinton

    Congratulations! It is wonderful the judges take the hat into consideration. I’m sure she will title in a couple of weeks!