Fire Girl


Preacher always has to help me build a fire then sits down next to it, yesterday she laid down and enjoyed the warmth. This morning it is -7, burrrr. 

Stay warm everyone. 

black and white

We are joining Dachshund Nola & Sugar The Golden Retriever for the Black and White Sunday Blog Hop.

13 Replies to “Fire Girl”

  1. Jan K

    Preacher is a smart girl, that’s the only place to be on a day that cold! We haven’t been quite that cold here, thank goodness, but we have some cold and windy days coming up so I imagine the wind chills might get us down there. We’ll be snuggling in front of the fire when we can!

  2. Emma The GBGV

    Bailie and cat bro Bert are nuts about the fireplace here. They are in front of it just about every night. We had -15 this morning and it will be again tomorrow morning.

  3. M. K. Clinton

    OMD! How do you even breath when it is below zero? I am pretty sure that I would cry if I had to go outside in that temperature. Seriously, does it hurt to breath? Does your face freeze? Would you like to come spend the winter with me in Louisiana? Bahahaha!