FitDog Friday








As you can see our FitDog Friday exercise this week was one day of hunt test training on land with Gambler and Glory. They are so happy the snow is gone so they can get back out and do what they love to do, retrieve ducks. The other day of training this week was again hunt test training but on water this time. Nellie got to join in on the exercise as we were at our house so she went along for the fun and exercise. Our pond is in the marsh so the marsh grass is much thicker than normal grass and longer so they get there work out running through it as well as swimming across the pond. They have to go in and out on the banks (sometimes they jump in and fly) so they really have to use their front shoulder muscles to get them in and out of the water on sloped banks. Great exercise all around and easy on their joints.

Nellie was first:

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Glory was next:

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Last was Gambler:

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They don’t mind exercising when they are doing something they love.


Please enjoy our FitDog Friday Blog Hop brought to you by SlimDoggy and our co-hosts Peggy’s Pet Place and To Dog With Love. Join the Hop or just enjoy the links below – lots of fun fitness tips and advice!

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9 Replies to “FitDog Friday”

  1. Dogs N Pawz

    No wonder your three stay in such great shape! They get plenty of exercise and they love what they are doing while they are getting it! Perfect!

  2. SlimDoggy (@MySlimDoggy)

    So much fun. You are right about the exercise – both the amount of effort that jumping, swimming, wading etc. is for them as well as how it doesn’t even seem like exercise it’s so much fun. You can tell they are glad the snow is gone. Thanks for joining the Hop.

  3. Oz theTerrier

    By the looks on all their faces in those photos, they are definitely loving what they are doing! I love the leaping into the water photos and of course, the video. Makes me wish I was a retriever. BOL
    Happy Friday to all at Sand Spring!

  4. Jan K

    What great fun, and such great exercise! Sheba is jealous, she can’t wait to go swimming. It’s not quite warm enough here yet, but soon we hope!